Chilul Shabbos in Tiveria Near Tzion Of Rav Meir Baal HaNess

A restaurant has opened in Tiveria near the tziyun of Rav Meir Baal HaNess, a restaurant that operates on Shabbos. The local chareidi community is alarmed by the move. In addition, another restaurant connected to an Eilat chain is also planning to open in the same location in the near future, also planning to operate on Shabbos R”L. Few stores operate on Shabbos in Tiveria, not to mention in proximity to the kever of the Tana.

The head of the city’s kashrus, Rav Rafael Cohen is strongly opposed to this new reality, adding “those operating the store are certainly unaware of what they are doing in proximity to the tziyun. This is an affront to the kedushas hamakom,” pointing out the kever also serves as a beis medrash”.

“This is a chilul Hashem and we cannot permit this. When mispallalim and those wishing to learn come to the tziyun, they should not have to tolerate hearing the music from the restaurant. By its very nature, the store will also become a gathering for pritzus and more chilul Shabbos. We call on the tzibur to publically express opposition”.

Mayor Zohar Oved stated, “I welcome the opening of the recreation spot which does not compromise the character of the city or the long-standing status quo”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Do you know how many M’chalilei Shabbos their were, in the times of Reb Meir, and lived next to Reb Meir?

    Today, we over dramatize everything.

  2. Live and let live…Yiddishkeit gathers more of its children by befriending them, loving them, letting them experience the varmkeit of Shabbos in a proper home…than it will by circling the wagons and attacking them. It is all well and good to be oh so righteous as to say “This is a chilul Hashem and we cannot permit this…” but the greater chillul Hashem is the cold and even hateful arrogance that leaves them feeling spit on by frum people.

  3. #2, Yes, and they caused him great distress, so that he davened for them to die. (Bruriah had a different opinion, but who says she was right?)

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