Muslims Urge Resignation Of NYPD Commish Over Video

U.S. Muslim civil rights groups demanded the resignation of New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly on Wednesday amid a controversy over the repeated screening of an offensive video.

Kelly said he regretted cooperating with the makers of “The Third Jihad: Radical Islam’s Vision for America,” which shows footage of suicide attacks and says “the true agenda of much of Muslim leadership here in America” is to “infiltrate and dominate America.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a prominent Muslim civil liberties organization, said Kelly had disqualified himself to head the country’s largest and most prominent police force.

“As leaders of the nation’s largest police department, Commissioner Kelly and Deputy Commissioner (Paul) Browne’s actions set a tone for relations with law enforcement that impact American Muslims nationwide,” CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said in a statement. “It’s time for change.”

“The Third Jihad” ran on continuous loop on a TV in a Brooklyn police location that officers used to fill in paperwork during down time, Kelly’s spokesman and deputy, Paul Browne, said. He said the film was not used in training sessions and was never shown at the Police Academy.

In addition, police now admit a spokesman helped arrange an interview the filmmakers did with Kelly that appeared in the film. Previously, police had said Kelly was not involved in the making of the film and that the interview was taken from an archive.

Browne said on Wednesday the commissioner finds the finished product “objectionable” and regrets taking part.


6 Responses

  1. A recommendation for all readers to view this documentary, The Third Jihad. It describes exactly what is happening presently globally and how Islam and radicalism is taking over the world in a systematical path.

    Frightening and precisely how our Chazel foresaw the ‘footsteps of Mashicah”.

  2. Documentary recently pulled from NYPD counterterrorism training; Times articles filled with innuendo and inaccuracies
    The New York Times has sharply criticized the New York Police Department for using the critically-acclaimed documentary The Third Jihad: Radical Islam’s Vision for America in counterterrorism training.

    In response, film producer Raphael Shore has issued the following statement:

    “We regret that the film has been taken out of the counterterrorism training program of the NYPD. The New York Times stories are proof positive that the Clarion Fund’s high-quality and impactful documentaries touch very sensitive nerves.
    Those that have blasted the film are attempting to stifle an important debate about the internal state of the Muslim community in America, and whether politicized Islam and indoctrination pose tangible security threats.
    We hope that individuals will acknowledge the inaccuracies presented by the New York Times, and the effects that organizations like CAIR have on the fine line between political correctness and honest debate.
    We invite the general public to watch and judge the documentary for themselves. The Third Jihad is now being made available for free viewing online at”

  3. “The thief always thinks his hat is on fire”. At most an apology to the “muslim” community, but resignation- common!?!? The safety of our city is due to the fact that the NYPD is constantly vigilant. Sorry guys, after Sep. 11th noone puts “feelings” before safety. I’ll remember your “feelings” every time I take off my shoes at the airport security check.

  4. How dare Kelly speak the truth?!?

    How dare an anti-American subversive group like C.A.I.R. not be listened to IMMEDIATELY!

    I think Obama should have Kelly arrested on federal charges and sentenced to at least 20 years in the electric chair!!!

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