US Ambassador to Israel Does Not Wish to Speculate Regarding Pollard

US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, became the first ambassador to attend a session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee. Shapiro was asked to comment regarding the plight of Jonathan Pollard, to which he responded that he does not wish to speculate, stating his not familiar with plans as to how this matter will be addressed by the US administration.

One of the MKs who spoke with the ambassador was MK (Icud HaLeumi) Prof. Aryeh Eldad, who explained that by now it should be clear that there will not be two nations on this side of the Jordan River, referring to the breakdown in negotiations between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority). Actually, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) today announced he is ending talks with Israel, blaming Israel for the breakdown in the diplomatic process. Abu Mazen stated he plans to turn to the Arab League seeking direction as to the PA’s next step.

More significant is the fact that Eldad explained to the ambassador that the Palestinian state will actually come into being on the East Bank of the Jordan, in what is the Hashemite Kingdom today, explaining that it should be clear to all that the days of the King Abdullah administration are numbered, and when that nation topples, it will become the natural home for the Palestinian people.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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