Ramat Beit Shemesh Attack Was A ‘Brutal Lynch’

Four of the five suspects arrested in connection with the attack against a female in her 20s in Ramat Beit Shemesh on Tuesday afternoon, were brought to the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court for a remand hearing today, Wednesday, January 25, 2012.

Police officials addressing the court referred to the attack as “a brutal lynch”, indicating the department is treating this as just that and not just another disturbance. Reports from the scene indicate that the victim, Natalie Moshiach, was in life-threatening danger as she was targeted with rocks without any concern for her safety. Her car was significantly damaged, including smashed windows, being bombarded with rocks and bleach was poured inside.

Undoubtedly, when the reported ten or so people joined in and began pelting Moshiach with rocks they did not give any thought to the serious consequences they may face, not to mention the fact they could have killed the victim or seriously injured her. Baruch Hashem, her physical injuries were relatively light.

Three suspects were arrested at the scene of the attack and police Wednesday morning arrested two additional local residents.

Not accepting the slightest measure of responsibility for their actions, extremists in the RBS community are already threatening to renew protests in the event their colleagues are remanded and not released.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Where are the voices of reason from the chareidi community-the leadership- to take responsibility to let the public know that they are taking whatever measures they can to stop this madness, that they don’t agree with this and consider them terrorists and outcasts? Where are the pashkevillin stating that this barbaric behavior which causes harm and brings about a terrible chillul Hashem is completely assur?

  2. People don’t realize that the police take hostages and ask questions later. In EY the chareidim all know this. I highly doubt they have any evidence against those arrested and therefore I don’t think a protest against the arrests would be incorrect! There is a sad joke thats been going around the Chareidi circles for years regarding a bachur who is told by his father that he may not go to any protests unless he does something. Unless he burns garbages, throws rocks or smashes traffic lights! The bachur is shocked and asks for an explanation. “Well”, His father responds, “They always arrest the people who didn’t do anything”. Anyone who trully did something doesn’t stand around to get caught!

  3. Since this article is from YWN, why does it not include indication of an attempt to interview the defendants. The Israeli police are not exactly a “neutral” force. From the “facts” in the secular press, it appears she might have been “looking for a fight” by dressing immodestly and then looking for people to provoke.

  4. ” when the reported ten or so people joined in and began pelting Moshiach with rocks they did not give any thought to the serious consequences they may face,”

  5. Ah, the irony of throwing stones at Moshiach- we need him badly- stones just scare him away- I think he’s waiting for some LOVE!

    Stupid comment since “released” means:
    (From YWN itself!)

    “One of the defendants was remanded for two days while others were released to house arrest.”

    Released does NOT mean innocent.

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