Tefilos At The Kosel Against Ahmadinejad

HaRav Eliezer Berland Shlita, rosh yeshiva Shuvu Banim, will be holding a tefilla rally at the Kosel today, Rosh Chodesh Shevat 5772. The rav is calling on all ‘factions’ of the chareidi community to attend to beseech HaKadosh Baruch Hu to have mercy on Am Yisrael.

Talmidim of the rav attach significance to the event, explaining he generally avoids public appearances but the urgency of the situation appears to be a compelling factor. The rav feels it is imperative to close ranks, to put differences aside and to stand united at the Kosel to daven to Hashem in light of the threats facing Eretz Yisrael.

In his kol korei the rav writes “I appeal to you all, men woman and children wherever you may be. In light of recent tragedies that have befallen Am Yisrael, with nations of the world threatening to slaughter us, we must gather for tefilla to be MeKadesh Shem Shomayim in the holiest place that remains for us to daven to our Father in Heaven, to call upon him to cancel all the evil decrees against us”.

The rav adds that it is imperative that we make an effort towards achdus, to place and emphasis on matters between one-another, to respect one-another, and through these acts we pray that we merit seeing a victory over the awesome Iranian and Syrian threats that are tantamount to a Holocaust against the Jewish People.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Rav Berland is a gadol in the Breslover chassidus.

    It figures it would be a Breslover making this call for achdus.

    They are NOT part of the pseudo-chareidi lunacy currently sickening us.

    For the Breslov approach to handling things, I highly recommend taking two minute to read this…


  2. The headline of this article is real hisgarus b’umos. Ahmedinejad has made it clear that he will only attack israel if israel attacks first

  3. #2, you remind of the story of the two ghetto Jews who were about to be executed by the paritz. One declared that he had the right to a last meal. The other said “don’t make trouble”. Yaakov gave a gift but he also davened and prepared for war.

  4. I am not saying not to pray but dont stir up trouble with prayers – best to pray that Israel doesnt attack them at all – there are lots of yidden still in Iran

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