Israel: Kashrus Incompetence & US Breakfast Cereals (Amended)

Please refer to the original article posted on Monday, 28 Teves 5772, which has been amended regarding Capt’n Crunch cereal.

(Yechiel Spira, Jerusalem Kosher News for YWN-Israel).

3 Responses

  1. as an american living in America, i strongly disagree. food with an israeli hechsher (or osem sticker, etc.) is assumed to be yoshon.
    yoshon is not a cute little chumra! its d’oryasa on anything grown in israel FOR SURE, according to all. there are heterim that MANY don’t accept for things grown in chutz la’aretz.
    if they wanted to lower their standards of kashrus and accept chodosh products they would have to clearly mark them as chodosh despite the E”Y hechsher.

  2. @Akuperoan Sorry, but your completely wrong on this. Yoshon in Eretz Yisroel is Doraisa, plain and simple. Using chodosh food from chutz laaretz is an issur doraisa according to most rishonim. I’m sorry to have to say this, but try not to comment on something you don’t know what you are talking about. Plain and simple.

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