Jewish Casino Mogul’s Wife To Pump $5 Million Into Gingrich Super-PAC

A super-PAC supporting Newt Gingrich will receive an additional $5 million from a friend of the former House Speaker, according to the Las Vegas Sun’s Jon Ralston.

The infusion comes from Dr. Miriam Adelson, the wife of Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire casino magnate from Las Vegas who has long been close to Gingrich.

The money will go to help keeping Gingrich competitive on Florida’s expensive airwaves — it costs $8 million a week for a full ad buy in the state, and Gingrich’s actual campaign trails rival Mitt Romney’s badly in cash on hand.

Two polls of Florida released Monday showed Gingrich leading Romney there. The state votes Jan. 31.

The Winning Our Future super-PAC went hard after Romney in South Carolina, buying airtime for a 28-minute documentary that assailed his record at Bain Capital and portrayed him as a corporate villain.

Gingrich eventually said the super-PAC should either correct mistakes in the “King of Bain” ad or stop airing it.

(Source: The Hill)

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