Atlanta Jewish Times Publisher Resigns After Suggesting ‘Hit’ On Obama

The owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times has resigned after suggesting that Israeli security forces in the U.S. “take out” President Barack Obama, who he said has been deemed unfriendly to the Jewish state.

The JTA is reporting that Andrew Adler, the owner and publisher of the paper has resigned, and is reportedly seeing a buyer.

In an email sent to the JTA, Adler says he is “relinquishing all day-to-day activities effective immediately”.

Earlier Monday, YWN published a statment from the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta (Federation), which condemned the editorial column written in the January 13 issue of the Atlanta Jewish Times, and demanded that Adler resign.

(Eli Gefen – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. Good. An article advocating the assassination of a President has no place in decent society. We’ve got a democratic election process through which Mr. Obama won the presidency, and that’s how he should be voted out if his policies are no good. I also think it’s about time for some shiurim about how we should speak to or about the President and others in positions of governmental authority. Our parshios of this, and the two prior weeks, show Moshe Rabbeinu choosing his words so as to not denigrate royalty, despite that his opponent was a rosha of the first degree. We need to translate that into how we behave in our time.

  2. He was not advocating the assassination of the president if he was he would be behind bars now, he was merely discussing different scenarios of what is possible to play out sort of like a fiction article

  3. What a disgraceful and stupid comment in an editorial, and he still calls himself jewish, he did the right thing by stepping down.

  4. @PBT Recently one of the Rebbes, I think it was Satmar, made a statement about how we talk to, and about a president and he was attacked for it. People were saying that he’s pro-Obama, but thats not what he said. His point was simple, there is a way to address and speak of a man in such power.

  5. WE ARE IN GALUS! We should NEVER talk like he did!
    Sixty years ago, at the same time that Stalin was murdering Jews for being “capitalists;” in America, Jews were suspected of being “communists.”
    I don’t agree with a lot of what President Obama says, but he is our elected leader, and he deserves our respect AND our condemnation of any such talk.

  6. @proud orthodox jew: I did see the Satmar rebbe’s comment. I couldn’t have said anything better than he did. I’m just sorry that so many out there think that intemperate speech about the President is some sort of Torah mandate.

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