London Chareidim Want Inappropriate Ads Removed

An ongoing Calvin Klein advertisement campaign has angered the London chareidi community, which does not approve of the provocative non-tznius content and delivery depicted in the ads. These ads appear on buses running in chareidi areas.

Chadrei Chareidim reports that members of the chareidi tzibur have sent letter of complaint to the ASA, the body that is responsible for monitoring and supervising these ads, requesting that they be removed since they are an affront to the lifestyle of their community, referring primarily to Stamford Hill.

Apparently the response was disappointing; with the ASA explaining it does not view the ad campaign as distasteful or an affront to the general public. Local askanim are calling on additional people to send letters of complaint, hopeful the public outcry will persuade the powers that be to act in line with the chareidi tzibur’s request.

The report concludes that the local residents feel that since a similar campaign was successful in removing ads in a chareidi area in the United States, they are hope to achieve the same level of success.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. One of the leading chareidi rabbonim in NY wrote to the cardinal of NY urging him to stand up against inappropriate pictures on buses. Perhaps religious leaders of other religions can also be persuaded to stand up for decency.

  2. I think they should protest the anti semitism that’s going on there, not this. Who are they to protest these ads?? They live in a democracy!This disgusts me!!

  3. The Chareidi neighborhoods of London are surrounded by tens of thousands of Muslims,let them enlist them to help in the cause. The muslims, just because of their sheer numbers and also because of political correctness, are sure to garner more sympathy for this issue

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