Eida Planning Rally Against Chareidim Serving In The IDF

According to a Kikar Shabbat report, askanim affiliated with the Eida are planning a major rally against chareidim serving in the IDF. Members of the Eida rabbanus are expected to take part in the anti-IDF rally. It appears the reason behind the protest is the relative success by the IDF and Israel Police in attracting chareidim to join their forces. One of the organizers is quoted anonymously in the report, stating “we have always been against IDF service. Even when HaRosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita gave a quasi hechsher for Nachal Chareidi, we continue decrying IDF service”.

“Of late, we have learned than tens of good bochrim have fallen into the Zionist garbage can and we must avoid this from reoccurring”, the source is quoted as adding. He concludes that chareidim serving in the IDF is a “Tragedy for Am Yisrael” and a “Gezeiras Shmad”!

Organizers are hoping to attract thousands to take part in the rally against chareidim serving in the military.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Chas v’ Shalom that we should serve in the IDF and put ourselves in harms way…just give us our subsidies and leave us alone!

  2. To yonasonW. When you say “and put ourselves in harms way”, do you mean spiritual harm? Cause that’s EXACTLY what the Eida is fighting against (and the ‘fraye’ know that! Don’t kid yourself)

  3. YonasonW says: “…just give us our subsidies and leave us alone!…”
    FYI, Eidah and those related to them do not take subsidies from the government (in principle), and yes, they ARE paying taxes!

  4. As a proud IDF parent, it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside to know that it’s better for MY child to be in harm’s way than someone else’s child.

    I wonder why the source is “anonymous” if he feels so strongly about the subject. If you’re that proud of your feelings, go public! Stop hiding!

  5. 1. By arresting some of their leaders for not paying Israeli taxes, the state is basically declaring war on the Eida.

    2. It should be remembered that many hareidim (perhaps most), depend on the zionists for parnassah. It is only the extremists (or the ideologoically pure, depending on perspective) that don’t accept money from the zionists. While it seems reasonable that the zionists will expect those who accept their “schilling” (a phrase in British history in which parnassah was traded for military service), attempting to conscripting anti-zionists will be hard to justify, and potentially risky since they may prove to be seriously disloyal to the zionist army.

  6. There is no such thing as not benefiting from the government and its agencies: Electricity, Water, Road Repair, Medical Services,,,,every women gives birth in a hospital using the facilities and care of the medical personnel.

  7. YonasonW

    Not only don’t the Eidah affiliated Mosdos take any funding from the Zionist regime, some of the even PAY for some of the services offered for free to schools, because they don’t want the anti torah zionists to blemish the holy Torah studied in their schools.
    Stop creating facts…

  8. Simon, in Israel the electric and water companies are State-owned. While they charge the fees are subsidized.
    From where do they get the money to pay for their “holy Tora” that denies the reevaled miracles of the State?

    Regarding serving in the IDF, perhaps they will agree if they are allowed to spit on the enemy.

  9. To ZionFlag

    Please note that a large # of Kanoy Chareidim e.g. Toldos Aharon , Satmar, don’t accept free hospital services, and actually PAY for those services because they don’t want to benefit from the Zionists.
    All the other services you mentioned are not provided for free…..EVERYONE PAYS for utilities and EVERYONE PAYS high Taxes in Israel….

    its high time you guys get some facts before shooting off your comments…

  10. This is not a new dispute Maran Reb Shtienman Shlita believes that there are times when some charedim should join Nachal Chareidi (teens at risk), but some argued and believe that noone ever should join an army of an anti-Torah medina that shouldn’t exist in the first place. I doubt there will be too many people at this protest as the ashkenazi chareidim would most probably not go as this is going against the psak of Reb Shtienman and the sfardim would definety not go. What that leaves is only the chasidim. Unless their is a call by many Rebbes to go out in protest, there won’t be that many people protesting. Lets wait and see.

  11. To all you apologists…Charedim b’klal take subsidies, and resist serving in the IDF. Noone should have any objection to the gifted learned among Klal Yisroel receiving exemptions in order to continue their learning…but the arguments for the wholesale exemptiomn of everyone in Black (with due regard given to the Lubavitch and other exceptions) is nothing short of wholesale draft dodging, at the expense of mamashtakah’s children and all those others who do serve.

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