Rav Ovadia: Be Mispallel For Hosni Mubarak

In his weekly Motzei Shabbos address Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita mentioned the good relationship he maintained with deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. “I am not a politician. My intentions are L’Shem Shomayim. I will share something with you” the rav explained.

He went on to explain that 28 years ago, when he was the chief rabbi of Israel a conference of engineers was held in Egypt to discuss making a road that would facilitate travel. The road as planned however would run through a Jewish cemetery.

The rav explained that he traveled to Egypt with Aryeh Deri to address the situation regarding the planned roadway. The rav called upon the Israeli ambassador in Cairo to arrange a meeting with the president. “He agreed to meet and he greeted us warmly, with the honor extended to a king”.

The rav explained how he told Mubarak that the planned road would compromise the kevarim, asking that the roadway be rerouted. Mubarak explained that doing so would entail significant additional costs but because the chief rabbi made the request he would accommodate him; and so he did. Rav Ovadia added there were other matters as well, which he cannot disclose, simply stating “whatever I asked he simply nodded his head and so it was”.

“When the meeting ended they all left and I found myself alone with Mubarak. He turned to me and said ‘Rabbi, please give me a bracha. I believe in your bracha’. I placed my hand on his head and gave him a bracha. May it be His will that you rule for many days”.

Rav Ovadia explained this occurred 28 years earlier and Mubarak ruled for over 30 years, adding this is not a regular occurrence and he believes the bracha was heard in Shomayim.

Rav Ovadia explained just how Mubarak brought honor to his country as he became a leader who was respected around the world. “He prevented wars and is a man of peace, one who loves Israel and now he has fallen.”

As such, with Mubarak literally on trial for his life, Rav Ovadia called on listeners to be mispallel for the ousted Egyptian leader who he feels was always a friend of Israel. “May Hashem give the judges wisdom and understanding towards recognizing his accomplishments and may they rule that he is innocent. Then we must daven that he has a total recovery for it is a mitzvah to daven for those who love Israel”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. I completely agree. Mubarak wasn’t all that bad. Some of these countries – Egypt for sure – simply should not be democratic. The people there are too extremist to be able to handle it. The outcome is going to be a Hamas government ruling 60 million people (or was it 90 or so?) right next to Israel with a huge army.

  2. ‘proud orthodox Jew’…

    The same goes for American leaders.
    Hillary and Obama supported the forces overthrowing Mubarak. Mubarak was no tzadik, but he was significantly better than the radical islamists now taking over in Egypt.

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