Attorney for Eida Vaad Artzi Defendant: State’s Case is Not What it Appears to Be

According to the information released by authorities, suspects in custody linked to the Eida Chareidis Vaad Artzi are guilty of money laundering, tax evasion and related crimes. Officials have told the media that the sums amount to millions of new Israeli shekels.

Attorney Kobi Goldman, an expert in tax law, has been called upon to represent at least one of the Eida defendants. Goldman’s firm is familiar with the chareidi community as it routinely works with gemachim and tzedaka organizations.

After an initial probe into the evidence against his client, Goldman stated that at this stage of the investigation it is a bit premature to release definitive statements but it appears that despite the media spectacle surrounding the police predawn raid, the evidence presented to him by the prosecution does not point to a case of the magnitude the states wishes the public to believe.

“I am confident that at the end of the investigation involving the suspects a different picture will unfold than what is being seen today” added Goldman, who explained that there were a number of cases in the past where police tried to move such matters against the chareidi community to the criminal spotlight but the courts simply returned them to their rightful place, to the administrative arena. He seems to feel this case is simply being blown out of proportion.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. if that is the case according to you, the land or the medina is considered hefker and the laws of kol de’alim ge’var apply.However. to take benefits from the teifa ‘medina’ is okay. double standards according to your needs, just like a hand made tailored suit. Wow such a chidish.

  2. realmet you’re right.
    stealing from other jews is ok. just as long as you don’t call it “the state”. thanks for clarifying.

  3. one time I was at a shalom zachor in Jerusalem and was abhorred to hear several of the participants were arguing over which was the best sfora for taking (illegally) money from the medina. This mind set still exists here.

  4. Once again, if a kehilla has no adherence to the sovereignty of the country it abides in (Israel, America or anywhere else!!) then the laws, rules, regulations and policies of the country is obsolete, void and non-BINDING.

    This brings us back to a European mindset where Jews were not offered citizenship in all countries and always worked underground or in the back room in order to survive.

  5. You can’t take a bit of sarcasm? realmet was just sarcastic.
    But honestly, it just looks like a way to humiliate the Edah charedit as part of the campaign to bring down the charedim physically and morally, and will turn out at the end to be a hollow hot air balloon.

  6. #6 Exactly, because we all know the Edah charedim are very careful to follow all of the laws of the state of Israel.

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