Eida Elders Protest Outside Russian Compound

Dozens of the elders of the Eida Chareidis were on hand outside Jerusalem’s Russian Compound police detention center at noon on Sunday. They were taking part in a protest against the early-morning arrests of Eida askanim involved in the Vaad Artzi tzedaka on allegations of tax evasion.

Expecting the usual stormy Eida protest, a large police force was on hand but their presence was unnecessary as the elders were orderly as one would expect. One of the rabbonim who spoke stated the arrests were not against the gabbai or anyone else other than the Gavaad himself, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita. They concluded singing “Utzu Eitza”.

It appears Rav Weiss has called for a “Yom Tefilla”, a day of davening, calling for order and no violence.

In Ramat Beit Shemesh Beit however the message appears to be the usual one, confrontation and violence, as protestors threw oil on the roadway. At least two protestors were arrested according to police reports from that location.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. In Ramat Beit Shemesh the buses are right now being bombarded by large rocks. My friend, a choshuva yeshiva bochur, just called me from the bus. A rock hit the window next to him and shattered all over him. He is covered with glass and miraculously unhurt. Whoever attacks and puts innocent people, yidden, frume mentchen, and bnei torah in physical danger are to be categorized as resha’im and potential rotzchim. HaKodesh Baruch Hu yaztileinu miyadam. Whoever has the ability of effectively being mocheh and does not do so, shares in the achrayus of the chillul Hashem that is emerging.

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