Eida Protests Against Arrests (13:00 IL)

The Eida Chareidit protests over the arrests of suspects in an alleged money laundering operation involving the Eida’s Vaad Artzi are not bringing out the tzibur at large as hoped. The suspects include the chief gabbai of the Eida Gavaad, and they are suspected of evading millions of shekels in tax payments.

Only several dozen protestors are outside the Russian Compound detention center, not a large crowd, and the large police presence is maintaining order. In Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet, Eida affiliated protestors threw oil on the roadway, NaHar Yarden Street, in an effort to close the area down. At two arrests were made at that location.

No other disturbances or protests are being reported at this time.

The suspects are being brought before a remand hearing in the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court in the coming hours.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Finally something positive out of the whole tumult!
    The Gaavad couldn’t round up even a couple batlanim during morning seder to protest this assault on his personal kavod- there must be some good going on behind the scenes!

  2. these people should be arrested and key thrown away……they are putting my kids in danger!!! why? in support of theives who stole money and laundered money!!

  3. The Eida Chareidim have cross to many red lines over the years and many people from all sects are fed up.

    The justice department only has to follow the money and they will find many tax invaders/thieves and be able to arrest them.

  4. I don’t understand. The police did this to the president! If they have done something wrong then they must pay the price…if they are innocent they have nothing to worry about. But to protest??? The police would welcome the opportunity to beat us again

  5. Are they accused of taking money from the Eida and using it for personal use without the permission of the Eida, or are they accused of conducting the business of the Eida without using the government’s channels ande without “sharing” with the government (which is a subset of treason,which is to be expected since the Eida, for all intents in purposes, are traitors from a zionist perspective).

    In general, arresting someone for a political crime has international significance since most countries don’t cooperate (won’t extradite, won’t cease assets), especially but not limited to countries with different political perspectives – and can be considered a serious human right violation (it will be “fascinating” if the Eida asks the United Nations for assistance).

  6. Dina d’malchusa dina. I don’t think the yiddin liked when Rome controlled Israel but they still had to pay taxes.

  7. Why all the heat. The police are doing their duty. Even the previous President was arrested.
    If these people are innocent, then they have nothing to fear.
    These groups have considered themselves a alw unto themselves to such an extent, that they have their own group of strong-armed people to enforce their proclomations.
    We have to get ris of all stigmas against Observant Jews. This means those that follow the shulchan oruch, and not the dictates of a group of self declared guardians of public morals.

  8. We don’t have evidence, nor may we judge their actions. I just know that in the parsha it states that when one sees a fellow yid in pain..”Vayitzakoo” mi shraeit”. We must daven !

  9. There have been many arrests of frum people over the years that were unfounded for such things. A number of big money changers included. Some were exonerated totally after being put in jail for a week or more without bail. Some were found guilty on minor – albeit still trumped up – charges. They were even kept over Yom Tov. I think some were even kept in solitary confinement. This is a pattern. There is no reason to believe any guilt whatsoever. Keep in mind that this is the reality and backdrop of the reactions.

  10. With comments of the above, all can be said “is with friends as such who needs enemies”. People should remember “innocent until proven guilty” and listening to both sides of a story. For frum people to comment with such hate is really “sinas chinum”….and remember the saying “the fault you find in others is usually found in you too” so let’s hope these frum ehrliche people will I”H be released and Hashem will pay rightfully to those who deserve best and worst!!!!

  11. Its wrong to arrest these frum yidden! what right do the police have to come into our neighborhoods and enforce their laws!!!
    This is our schunah! We don’t want their police!!!
    Also we don’t want their fire department, or their sanitation workers, or their water, or their buses or their electricity or …

  12. Y_dont_U_research_b4_speaking: “what right do the police have to come into our neighborhoods and enforce their laws!!!”
    That is just about the stupidest thing I have heard anyone say! Any government any place in the world has a moral obligation to create and enforce their laws. This is the only way to have a civil society & that is the reason why the mishnah tells us to daven for the government (whoever the government is, Jew or Gentile!) What right does a neighborhood have to say – “we don’t need your laws here.” They have no such right. And the laws we are talking right now have to do with tax evasion, i.e. stealing.

  13. Once the dust settles down and the truth will pop up, I’d love to see all of the bashers faces in shame!
    This is one big scam project to bring down the Edah charedit, its a sham and a hollow bubble!

    Moderators Note: Like the protests and violence against the (self-admitted guilty) mother who starved her son….Just a thought…throwing it out there. Not taking sides in this one.

  14. To The Moderator: You sounds like a greenhorn when it comes to yerushalmi/eidah issues. Get this straight: The Israeli gvt HATES chareidim with a hatred of DEEP proportions. THAT should put everything they do under a different light. You seem to take the stance of innocent until proven guilty with regards to the oppressor instead of the victim. It comes across in all your articles that you have seriously been affected by secular Israeli media with regards to chareidim and yerushalmi’m. I suggest you spend shabbos with the Toldos Aharon chassidim in Meah Shearim for a real education. They are absolutely amazing, unbelievable, upstanding people in every way. Since they DON’T use media and internet they DON’t spread their propoganda and can’t refute all YWN and other claims and misguided way of interpreting EVERY situation and incident – big and small…That may explain why the Editors and Commentors on this site are so anti-chareidi and anti-Yerushalmi. What a pity. How sad.

    Moderators Response: Are you saying Toldos Aaaron has no media and no Internet?! So if Toldos Aron has no media and Internet, then how did Aron Samet beg YWN to publish this story along with video and photos? http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=112731

    Or how about when Aron Samet arranges for YWN to “sneak into” their Simchas Bais Hashoeva with video and camera equip to be able to post it on the (gasp) chazir-treif Internet?

    For all those wondering, Aron Samet is a Gabbai of the Toldos Aron Rebbe.

    Yes, Mr SP. YWN knows all the players in Toldos Aaaron better than you do. Much better. And we know all the players in the Eida better than you do too. In fact, we are in close contact with them every single day.

    These guys LIVE on a PR machine, including the Internet – full-time.

    One day, the world may see the truth about the utter hypocrisy..

    We know were “greenhorns” (whatever that is supposed to mean), but the fact remains that Satmar held massive protests in Manhattan – to defend a woman who STARVED HER CHILDREN. Here is more, YWN personally (yes personally) visited this child and mother in her hospital room – BEFORE the story broke. Hows THAT?!

    We know…it’s all a big lie….she pled guilty for no other reason that the tziyoinim forced her to do that…right….

    The lady is nebach very sick. And talking about hypocrisy….the same hospital that the Eida banned people from going to in protest, had a patient who was rushed there in middle of the ban…yes, we are talking about the Gavad Eida Charedis himself….

    Now, whose the greenhorn?

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