Jerusalem: Police Arrest Cabbie Ahead of Protest

It appears Jerusalem police are trying to prevent the Eida from getting the word out about protests in the capital today. Police a short time ago arrested a taxi driver who was driving around with a loudspeaker affixed to the roof of his vehicle, announcing protests at the Russian Compound at noon and one in front of Zupnik at 1:00pm. These protests follow the arrests of six suspects in an alleged money laundering operation that links to senior Eida officials.

While using taxis to announce levayas and protests is an accepted norm in Yerushalayim, it appears this time around, police are doing their utmost to prevent the Eida from alerting the masses to what appears will be a stormy protest.

The taxi driver explained that someone paid him 100 NIS to driver around and announce the protests.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


4 Responses

  1. The protest is not for all 6 only for the gaba of the gyved that was arrested and blamed that he made a picture of the head of police with hitla cloth.

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