Har Homa Battle For & Against Chareidi Kollel

It appears that while tensions are at an all-time high between chilonim and chareidim, and between dati leumi and fanatic chareidim in Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem has its issues as well. In this case, it is obvious that the overwhelmingly dati leumi Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Homa wishes to simply maintain the character of its community, hence the efforts to oust a chareidi kollel situated in a temporary structure.

A court order has already been issued to remove the temporary structure which is home to the Menashe Binyamin Beis Medrash and Kollel.

It appears the building is situated in a building parking lot alongside the home of the rosh yeshiva. The latter obtained permission from tenants who were willing to allocate parking space for a Torah institution, while additional parking was leased to compensate for the area occupied by the structure.

Kikar Shabbat reports that a number of people affiliated with Yeshivat Har HaMor however were less than pleased with the chareidi yeshiva’s presence, filing a complaint with city officials and eventually obtaining a court order to oust them.

It should be pointed out that using parking spots for the temporary building is not unique to this kollel, and many shuls in Har Homa have adopted the same solution.

Rosh Kollel HaRav Eyal Amrani is quoted by Kikar as saying “people from Har HaMor have told me they intend to do everything they can to get us out because they do not want chareidi activities in the community”.

“There is a building complex with 150 families and everyone is pleased with our presence, including chilonim who are happy with our work in the community. But it appears for those with kipot srugot our presence is bothersome” the rav concluded.

The rav explained he has six months to actualize the eviction order and he is confident that by that time HaKadosh Baruch Hu will send him a solution.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Interesting..
    The Har Homa yeshiva is a breakoff of Mercaz haRav, more to the right, and believe there is missing information from this sensational post.

  2. Wow I actually met this rosh kolel on a few occasions. The last name is Amrami. He is a softspoken individual and a talmid chochom. the type of guy who will engage you in freindly conversation and tell you a nice torah thought. I always saw him with a sefer in his hand. I am sure the last sentance in the article is a direct quote from him- and I know that he will do what’s right and leave in a bikovedik way should he need to. But how sad it is when we can’t get along. So sad.

  3. How can you say, bechada machta, that everyone is pleased with your presence and that those with kipot srugot find your presence bothersome? Are those with kipot srugot ‘no one’ in your eyes? Perhaps this has somthing to do with their finding your presence to be bothersome?

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