Rav Gurwitz Working in Russian Prisons

With the increase in kiruv in prisons throughout Russia over recent years, the nation’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Berel Lazer has succeeded in establishing shuls in a number of prisons. Officials point out that shluchim are in many prisons, including some in Siberia, undeterred by the distance and harsh conditions.

The Russian Prison Authority is well aware of the ongoing effort to spread Yiddishkheit, and a number of days ago the service bestowed the Gold Medal to Rabbi Aharon Gurwitz, who holds the position of chief rabbi of the police and army. The weekly BaKehilla reports the rav maintains good relations with very senior government officials.

The Gold Medal is considered quite a distinguished honor, a kovod that is not bestowed on many, signaling the good relations and appreciation for Rabbi Gurwitz’s efforts.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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