More Public Transportation Madness In Yerushalayim

As part of the master plan to accommodate the construction of the Jerusalem light rail many bus numbers and routes were modified. After the light rail began operating, there were other changes, albeit not as many.

Now Jerusalemites have learned that on erev Shabbos, 18 Teves 5772, there will be many changes in bus routes and numbers. It is explained that changes will impact routes in the southwest of the capital, all part of the master plan that will result in improved integration between bus and light rail routes. The changes will affect 22 bus routes.

One of the lines that will be modified is the number 10, the daily HaMevaser report, a line that serves the northern capital. Other lines to be effected include 16 and 39 (Bayit Vegan), 7, 8, 67, 15A, and the 418.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Once again YWN stoops to the level of sensational media at the expense of others. Not sure where the madness is in the new transportation system in Yerushalayim. I am here now and its exceptional. This new train system is great and the way the buses are linking with the system will be so convenient. Someone in city planning is preparing this city for the millions of comers when Mosiach comes. Yerushalayim Eer Hakodesh is getting ready … how is this madness?

  2. #1 –

    I have been living in Yerushalayim for over 30 years. And yes, it is madness, because although I am a veteran here, it is like a new city. Nobody knows how to get anywhere anymore. For you visitors it is fun and games since you don’t know you’re way around anyway. But for people who have been riding the buses for years to all of sudden not know how to get to work or anywhere else for that matter, it is madness.

    This is aside from the fact that it forces people to make multiple changes in order to get from point A to point B. It used to be that you get to any point in the city with a maximum of 2 buses. This has all changed now, and in many situations one needs a bus, a train and then another bus. And this doesn’t save anybody any time. Maybe for people from big cities like NY, multiple changes is a way of life, but here it is totally unnecesary.

  3. BBIL: YWN aren’t being sensationalists. The madness has not yet arrived. It will arrive tomorrow when Egged-abolishes and adds new lines, changes routes, and switches numbers-to 22 bus lines. I am also in Jerusalem now and have been here for years. There was definitely madness with the whole rav-kav switchover. And I still see tons of people that are clueless about using the train which runs on only one line.

  4. I have been living in Jerusalem for 33 years and things keep getting better and better, but only one thing did not get affected by change: the propensity for the Jews in the capital to kevtch.
    The transportation is great! The drivers are courteous for the most part; there are exceptions. The buses are nicer and living here is easier than it has ever been.
    Any one who complains only shows the world that a. he was born and raised here or b. he is an inborn kevtch!

  5. Trains and buses change routes in every city #3, usually it is announced in the papers, or on radio so that everyone is aware of changes. In a modern world, CHANGE IS INEVITABLE.

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