‘Hitler Is Great’ Found Scrawled In Boro Park Elevator

Swastikas were found scrawled in a Borough Park apartment building, authorities said.

A 41-year-old tenant in the six-story building on 14th Avenue near 48th Street found five swastikas and “Hitler is great” scrawled near the buttons of the elevator at about 9 p.m. Tuesday, cops said.

The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating.

This was the second hate crime in Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish comunity this week.

The other incident, so far only reported by YWN, happened in Williamsburg, when swastikas were found in 541 Wythe Avenue.

Police are investigating that incident a well.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / NY Post)

5 Responses

  1. History has a tendency to repeat itself CH”V.

    What can we do? We must be Mechanech ourselves and our children, (young and old), to have have sincere love and care to all of Mankind, Yidden and Non-Yidden.

    Only then, can we hope that Hashem, Brov Rachmov, should repay us, Middoh Kneged Middoh, and Never-Again, instill ant hatred into the Umos Ho’olom against us.

  2. Once again @Akuperma nails it.

    We dont know the circumstances and can not determain from the story if it was a “hate crime” or if it was a bunch of kids seeing what they could get away with.

    This nonsense of sounding the alarm every time someone looks at us wrong is only going to backfire and people will get tired of it.

  3. This event is a reminder. We are guests in this golus of the goyim. Don’t be so shocked that they hate us. This has been a fact of life since the bnei yaakiv went to Mitzrayim.

  4. very simple, eisav sonei es yaakov we will ALWAYS be hated, but we have the power of tefillah we can use to our advantage its just we have to wake up and realize that.

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