Holocaust Symbols’ Bill Doesn’t Mention Chareidi-Bashing

The bill hosted by MK Uri Ariel and others seeking to outlaw use of Holocaust symbols passed its preliminary reading in Knesset as was reported by YWN.

MK (Yahadut HaTorah) Rabbi Yisrael Eichler is not satisfied however and he wants to amend the bill to protect the chareidi community. This would include a ban on distasteful caricatures depicting chareidim in an unfavorable light. He is calling on Ariel and others to amend the bill,explaining the use of such caricatures leads to unprovoked attacks against innocent people simply for being whom they area.

Eichler questions why during recent weeks when “death to chareidim” graffiti appeared in a number of instances, the nation remained silent and lawmakers did not feel a compulsion to release a condemnatory statement.

“When people write ‘price tag’ graffiti the nation is outraged and everyone runs to condemn it, but when ‘death to chareidim’ or‘ kill chareidim’ graffiti appears, the silence is deafening. Police do not act. No arrests are made. Nothing it done”, Eichler lamented.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “he wants to amend the bill to protect the chareidi community. This would include a ban on distasteful caricatures depicting chareidim in an unfavorable light”.

    How about extending the bill even more?
    No distasteful caricatures in frum media against DL community, no distasteful articles and posts against settlers, no distasteful comments about the Frum Anglo communities. Let us go ALL THE WAY in promoting “Ahavas Achim”.

  2. Eichler’s comparison of Nazi symbols of hatred and genocide and political slogans toward the people who use the symbol of hate for political theater is a totally false premise and yet another chillul hashem. Aveire goireris aveire.

  3. How about using the term “parasites” on charedim? a term some hateful chilonim adopted directly from Hitler, he used this term on all jews.

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