‘Swastika’ Earrings No Longer For Sale At Brooklyn Jewelry Store

The apologetic owner of a Brooklyn jewelry store blasted for hawking earrings that look like swastikas said Wednesday that she will stop selling the controversial baubles.

City Councilman Steve Levin (D-Brooklyn) went to Bejeweled in Greenpoint inquiring about the odd sales choice and met with owner Young Sook Kim.

“She was regretful, said Levin after the noon showdown. “She agreed to take them down.”

Levin raised concerns about the earrings on Tuesday.

A Bejeweled manager retorted that the earrings had nothing to do with Nazis. Rather, the manager said, they are a sign of prosperity in Tibetan Buddhism.

“In Brooklyn today, there are thousands of Holocaust survivors,” Levin said. “We are a diverse city. We have to be sensitive to what each other has gone through.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

One Response

  1. “We have to be sensitive to each other”

    How true, unless it’s something that offends non jews then we claim “discrimination”

    How would we like it if some priests came into a sefarim store and said “there are lots of christians in this neighboorhood and the talmud is offensive to them”?

    It is not illegal to sell items that resemble nazi symbols or even paraphanalia. It is distasteful but at the end of the day not illegal.

    I would hope that “askanim” would have something better to do then purse this “crisis”

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