Mispallalim Heading To Kever Yosef Nabbed by PA Cops

Once again, mispallalim wishing to make their way to the Tziyun of Yosef HaTzaddik, located in PA (Palestinian Authority)-occupied Shechem attempted to do so without first coordinating with IDF officials.

This time, during the early morning hours Wednesday, 16 Teves 5772, they were apprehended by PA forces. To their mazel, the police brought them to Israel Police of the Ariel station, perhaps saving them from a worse fate in the PA area.

While the PA is indeed in violation of the Oslo Agreement which guarantees free access to the “religious site”, a reality that is sadly accepted as a fait accompli by this and previous Israeli governments, the general consensus is that if one attempts to visit without IDF coordination one places oneself in life-threatening peril as well as putting soldiers in an untenable situation. Nevertheless there are those who feel compelled to do so despite the dangers to themselves and others.

One member of the group is quoted anonymously by Kikar Shabbat as saying “We go to the kever every week and will not be deterred. We are not afraid”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The yeshiva in Shchem should be reopened and a permanent community should be established. In addition there should be a yeshiva and a settlement next to Rachel’s tomb in Bethlehem. Also the Jewish settlement in Hevron should be expanded. These are sacred Jewish shrines. There should be a significant permanent Jewish religous presence by them in any and all circumstances.

  2. # 1 and #2 are corrected and #3 is living in a dream world of noncompliance to halacha of sakanas nefoshes shame urself. If ur so brave why dont u show us big mouth.

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