Dubai Gym Ad Features Photo Of Auschwitz With Slogan ‘Kiss Your Calories Goodbye’

A founder of a Dubai gym was forced to apologize for posting an offensive promotional campaign featuring a photo of a Nazi concentration camp with the slogan “Kiss your calories goodbye,” the Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National reported.

Earlier this week, Phil Parkinson, 32, posted a series of 10 photos on Facebook, including a shot of the rail tracks leading to Auschwitz-Birkenau, the network of concentration and death camps in Poland where Hitler’s Nazis murdered an estimated 1.3 million people between 1942 and 1944.

According to the report, Parkinson said he used the image to advertise weight-loss and exercise classes because “it’s like a calorie concentration camp.”

The measure was poorly received; within hours, angry Facebook and Twitter comments poured in, calling the campaign “tasteless,” “despicable” and “out of control.” Parkinson removed the photo, and some of the others, later in the day.

“I apologize if I have offended anyone with the campaign. That was certainly not my intention when we created it,” he told the newspaper.

“The idea of the campaign isn’t to upset anybody. The way branding works is … you want people talking about your business. We want them talking about us, but we don’t want people to take offense at it,” he said.

(Source: Ynet)

3 Responses

  1. this is no different than the people using jewish stars to ‘advertise’ and ‘market’ their cause in meah shearim…..but look how quickly they apologized and removed it…the ones in israel..not so much

  2. The world is full of insensitive idiots. Thankfully there are still some people with brains who protest and express outrage when the insensitive idiots step out of line.

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