Gafne Calls On Chareidim Not To Enlist In IDF

MK (Yahadut HaTorah) Moshe Gafne is calling on the chareidi tzibur not to enlist into the IDF’s chareidi programs under current circumstances, referring to the resignation of the air force’s chief rabbi this week.

Rabbi Lt.-Colonel Moshe Ravaad earlier this week announced he is leaving the military, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL, with the rav explaining he can no longer assume responsibility for the neshamas of soldiers given recent anti-Halachic decisions adopted by the IDF.

Gafne referred to the recent kol isha decision, compelling soldiers to remain seated during events in which female vocalists perform, along with other steps taken of late that violate agreements signed between the IDF and the chareidi tzibur for programs including the air force’s Shachar program, which was designed for chareidim, guaranteeing them an environment that permits them to serve without compromising their Avodas Hashem. Recent decisions made by senior military officials do not permit the current situation to continue.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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