Marathon, NY: Amish Press For Separate School Busing

Amish parents are calling for the local school district to provide separate transportation for their children to their Amish schools — a practice that was in place last school year but ended in the fall, The Post-Standard reports.

The Marathon Central School District has offered to bus Amish students with non-Amish students, but Amish parents say they don’t want their kids to be influenced by mainstream culture — and they need later transportation because of farm chores.

District officials say that giving Amish students special bus runs is costly and sets a bad precedent.


12 Responses

  1. He who pays the fiddler, calls the tune.

    So we see the same problem that frum Jews have in Israel, they want to governments money, but don’t want to do what the government says.

  2. They look like Chareidim. They want segregated busing. Had they lived in Israel the chiloni reshaim would have a filed day with them. . . .

  3. Oy those terrible Amish extremists…
    Oh sorry! This is happening in the great USA, which is a real democracy with real freedom of religion, so no one is going to bash the Amish for their request…
    The Amish are sure lucky that the don’t reside in Israel…

  4. galicianer says:
    January 3, 2012 at 7:58 pm
    They look like Chareidim. They want segregated busing. Had they lived in Israel the chiloni reshaim would have a filed day with them. . . .

    There is one difference (beside the moustache): The Amish work! (They even have farm chores.)

  5. #2– The Zionist arguement is that we are the “indians” (okay, indigenous people) of Eretz Yisrael, so anyone who wants to give American back to the Indians is using the same logic by which the zionists claimed the right to expel the Palestinians from Eretz Yisrael.

  6. The Amish go to seperate schools, same as the Frum communities. Do you want YOUR children bussed to school along with public school kids?? It IS technically legal, but the Dept of Ed goes beyond the letter of the law to make sure that all yeshiva students are bussed seperately from PS kids. Why shouldn’t the Amish receive the same courtesy? And their community in upstate New York is growing as they are the only segment of the population, pretty much, that run family farms.

    Some do allow getting rides from non-Amish when necessary. This could well be such a case.

  7. HARAV poppa: I actually hocked this out with a chashuve amish eltere goy. A lot of them hold amira l’akum is muttar… Or like some others we know that ” You leave the shulchan aruch at home” and for business its ok.

  8. Poppa, Amish have never had any objection to riding in cars and buses; they just refuse to drive cars themselves because of what it can lead to – once someone has a car he can go anywhere he likes, and he has privacy in the car, and there’s basically no control over the yetzer horoh. That’s the same reason for most of their restrictions; for instance they allow electricity in the barn, but they feel that once you have it in the house the next thing you know there will be a record player, and then a radio, and then a TV, and then a computer, and who knows what will happen.

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