Former IDF Chief Rabbi Comes Out Against IDF Chief Rabbi

Former Chief IDF rav, Rabbi (Brigadier-General, reserves) Avichai Ronsky, who is the rosh yeshiva of the Itamar Hesder Yeshiva, expressed his disapproval over recent remarks made by his successor, IDF Chief Rabbi Brigadier-General Rafi Peretz.

As was reported by YWN-ISRAEL, Peretz explained that any rav who is not a member of the military who wishes to visit on a base to speak with soldiers must first obtain his personal approval.

Ronsky rejects the new policy, which includes having a member of Peretz’s staff present during meetings with an outside rav and soldiers to make sure nothing objectionable is conveyed to the soldiers. Rabbi Ronsky stated if Rabbi Peretz has to give him permission to meet with his talmidim during their military service, and their discussions must be monitored, he simply will stop visiting the troops in the field.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Milhouse (a congratulate you on your appropriate choice of a nom de computer), Rav Peretz is the mara d’atra of Tzahal. Apparently he feels that there is a chalenge to his authority as such (see Chullin 116a regarding the extent of the deference owed to a mara d’atra). Apparently Ron Ronsky, who is his predecessor, does not think that there is such a challenge. Those who blow this out of proportion and even more so, those who denigrate either one are the mechallelei Hashem.

  2. If one Slaughter’s a “Chazir” with a kosher chalef, soak’s and salt’s the chazir, it’s still “Chazir Treif” joining the IDF is the same

  3. Avi K , with all due respect , this is probably the main part of the problem – no Army Rav is a Mara D’atara , as they are very open to pressures/orders by non Daat Torah sources .

  4. Avi K, a rasha is not a “mara d’atra” of anywhere. Hashem is the mara d’atra of the whole world, and Peretz is in open rebellion against Him.

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