MK Maklev Blames The Orthodox For Incitement

MK (Yahadut HaTorah) Uri Maklev blames the religious community for the ongoing incitement against the Shomer Shabbos community. He stated that it began in Beit Shemesh, with the public attack against the chareidi community from the dati leumi community over the girl’s school.

Speaking to Avi Mimron of Kol Berama Radio, the chareidi MK stated the Orthodox community did its share to incite and keep the flames of disharmony burning.

He adds that today, it has become fashionable among the political left to see who can come out with more audacious statements against the chareidi tzibur, accusing the entire community of discrimination against their wives as well as against women in general. He mentioned acts such as boarding a mehadrin bus in Beit Shemesh for the explicit purpose of provocation, lamenting the current state of affairs, especially when it pertains to a Shomer Shabbos member of Knesset.

We must tell it like it is and with all due respect, this entire campaign was launched by the dati leumi community, not the left-wing. The story in Beit Shemesh is that of a dati leumi family, which was more than willing to play into the hands of the media, resulting in today’s situation. MKs Hotovely and Uri Orbach are both dati leumi and have both played a major role in the anti-chareidi incitement.

We have not seen Meretz playing a dominant role here, but the dati leumi community appears to be spearheading the campaign.

Undoubtedly, there are dati leumi members of the political right-wing who are playing a major role in this provocation against us. They took part in activities, incited and have without a doubt fed the flames of dispute. If they act like this, what can one expect from a non-frum person looking on?

I am talking about anyone whose child was not attacked or victimized, yet they are more than happy to join in. Some continue efforts towards showing just how concerned they are regarding religious matters, and yet, when something like this begins, they are all waiting to strike their blows.

They are also aware of internal primaries and other considerations, and are quick to get on the bandwagon seeking political gain with their actions – doing their utmost to show just how they are part of this battle against the chareidim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. This is turning out backwards.
    Instead of disowning the sikrikim, we are backing them.
    Of course there will be repercussions to not standing up to these people giving chareidim bad names.
    If we sit silently we are to blame.

  2. Ok someone new to blame. Were the dati leumi out wearing yellow stars? If you want credibility take responsibility that is what teshuva is all about.

  3. I guess the (Chassidim) Shoytim in Bet Shemesh should have realized that the Anglo frummies are not going to lie back like typical Israelis but fight back and embarrass these fools into a corner.

    The protests and self-righteousness which was tolerated by the Israeli mass for decades was not tolerated by a wealthier, smarter and organized frum Anglo community who responded to the nonsense in a powerful way.

    If it is true that the anglo frummies of Bet Shemesh are responsible for breaking the kometz katan of Hareidim who place themselves above the law, then i, for one, am glad that this group was able to flex its considerable muscle. Next time, the trouble-making Hareidim (who are the minority of Hareidim in general) will know where to pick their fights and where to submit.

  4. you guys write like a bunch of third graders !! The title should be that he blames the dati leumi not the orthodox. I had no idea what you were talking about. although they are orthodox, that does not define their group…..

  5. THIS IS STUNNING. Blaming Dati L’eumi for defending itself against thugs for the bad publicity? And just because it is not your child, that does not take away your right to stand up for justice.

  6. Kin’ah, sin’ah, pigeon-holing (Orthodox, Chareidi, Dati Leumi, Blach Hat, White Kippah, etc., etc.).

    Just what we need b’ikvesa d’meshicha.

    Hashem Yerachem.

  7. He should blame himself and his fellow Yahadus Hatorah MKs for not having the courage to unequivacaly condemn the violence perpetrated by Chareidim.

  8. Oh GOSH…how much time is wasted with these speeches, articles and finger – pointing. ANYONE except the aggressors, thugs, screamers who are standing religiously on Rechov Herzog in Bet Shemesh (in front of the Orot Banos school)are to blame..

  9. If this is the direction that Degel Hatorah is going then they better be ready to pay the price. If they see the sikrikim as their allies and the dati le’umi as the enemy, then expect that many of us will find ourselves disowning this party and their sikrikim allies.

  10. Actually, the dati-leumi Internet site Besheva mostly backed the Chareidim. Maybe there is some truth to the rumor that Netanyahu is going to move up the elections to just four months from now. Perhaps the war betwen Mishpacha and Yated is also connected to internal political maneuvering.

  11. This isn’t news. Dati leumi treachery goes back to the Z**nist Congress and continues with their loophole Yiddishkeit. From there it’s just a straight line to physical attacks on Jews.

  12. I have voted in the past for Yehadut hatorah (eg. for mayor of Jlem).

    I always thought it was better to vote for a party that is shomre Torah even if their highest priority is their own community.

    I cannot see voting for them again – for obvious reasons.

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