War Between Israeli Yated & Israeli Mishpacha In Full Swing

In Geula on Tuesday night, pashkavilim were being posted, simply an enlargement of the letter signed by Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita against the weekly Mishpacha Magazine. In Bnei Brak, pashkavilim against Yated (Hebrew) are appearing.

In Geula, the letter released a number of days ago in the name of the posek hador is being published on the walls of the capital, in a big way.

Yated is being attacked and accused of daring to use Rav Elyashiv’s name and photo when there simply is no authorization for such a move. Some of the pashkavilim in Bnei Brak speak of Yated’s “chutzpah for lying and forging”, as the battle between Mishpacha and Yated appears to be escalating.

When will this Sinas Chinam end?

Text of letter (in Rav Elyashiv’s handwriting):

ל’ כסליו התשע”ב.

“כבר הבעתי דעתי אודות השבועון ‘משפחה’, המסלף ומטשטש השקפת התורה. ועתה בא להרבות השפעתו ותפוצתו”

“יש לעמוד על המשמר לבל ייכנס לבתי היראים לדבר ד’, ובוודאי שאין להכשירו ולסייע בידו”.

על החתום: יוסף שלו’ אלישיב.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. During the latter half of the Second Bayis there was also terrible infighting between all kinds of factions of Yidden.
    Being that the Romans controled Eretz Yisroel since the days of Chanukah, they felt responsible for all this bloodshed happening under their care, so they invaded Eretz Yisroel and brought about the Chorbon and chased almost everyone out of E”Y.

  2. Seriously? This Gadol who has been so ill has been bothered by this nonsense and actually wrote a hand written letter about it? I’m NOT buying it.

  3. Attacking Maran Reb Elyashiv Shlita’s grandson is very low. Anyone who goes around doing so loses my trust.

  4. @4 This has nothing to do with American papers or publications. @5 The letter from Maron Reb Elyashiv Shlita basically says that the magazine distorts the view of the Torah and shouldn’t be brought in to the house of those who fear G-D.

  5. Um, hello – Text of letter (in Rav Elyashiv’s handwriting) ????

    Next to a picture of big pashkevil style block letters? Is that Rav Elyashiv’s handwriting?

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