How The Iranian Media Reported The Kikar Shabbos ‘Yellow-Star’ Protest

The following is from the Iranian (state-run) Press TV website (including the photo):

Headline: Israeli regime branded ‘Nazi, racist’

Article: Hundreds of angry protesters have called Israeli authorities “Nazis and racists” during a demonstration held in al-Quds (Jerusalem).

About 1,500 demonstrators gathered in the central Geula neighborhood in al-Quds on Saturday evening, chanting, “Zionists are not Jews” and “Zionism is racism.”


The demonstrators had gathered to protest “oppression and incitement of the secular community” in Israel against them.

Some of the demonstrators wore yellow Stars of David on their jackets. The protesters also called Israeli authorities “Nazis.”

“It is like how it started with the Nazis — very slowly,” said a demonstrator.

“They are separating us from the Jewish people because we are following the way of the Torah. They hate us because we are going the Jewish way. And there is only one Jewish way.”

Israeli police arrested two protesters during the demonstration.

Another protester said that “the hatred and incitement being directed at us because we do not want to take on the ethical standards of the secular [community] is simply intolerable.”

In addition to the latest demonstration, Israelis have several times protested against the rising cost of living, injustice, social inequality and official corruption over the past few months.

In October 2011, hundreds of Israeli medical personnel quit work in protest against their low income and the high cost of living.

13 Responses

  1. As soon as they crossed into playing the Holocaust card, they lost my support (and yes they had my support). What a great disrespect to the 6 million murdered and gassed in WWII!! How dare they! Any holocaust survivor (who watched their little pure and innocent 2 year old shot in front of there eyes by these monsters YM’S) would be beyond horrified of these images. It made me sick to my stomach!

  2. These people should be deported, but first they should be taken on mandatory yad vashem or auschwitz tour, led by survivors. Why are their wifes/mothers/grandparents (some of whom must be survivors) silent? How could the mothers let their children be used this way? These people do not observe jewish ethical law, or israeli law and they bring shame to us all. Deportation!!!

  3. Achmadinijad “sympathizes” with the “oppressed chareidim” who call the Israeli “regime” Nazis- while at the same time denying the holocaust ever happened. I guess you can have your cake and eat it too.

  4. Whether you agree with their method of protest or not, they do have a right to protest. The country of Israel is purportedly a democracy. The people have rights. If they have a right to protest, they can protest however they would like. Saying they should be deported is insane. Besides, where should they be deported to? Germany, as Helen Thomas suggested????

  5. As the one protester said, “the hatred and incitement being directed at us because we do not want to take on the ethical standards of the secular [community] is simply intolerable.” So is this “protest”! I know how the chilonim in Israel hate the religious, and of course they’re wrong, but so are these extremists. Need I even say this cliche, but two wrongs don’t them right! And right now, these “charedim” are giving all the anti-frum people the upper hand by giving them what to hate about religious Jews. Only they need to realize that this isn’t what religious Jews are like, these are a group of certifiable people.

  6. In response to the comment “Israel is a democracy…so they have a right to protest”. In France and Germany, it is illegal to display a swastika. In most countries, it is illegal to burn a flag. We are all for free speech in the form of peaceful protest but one would have hoped that these people would be guided by common sense, decency and the basic tennets of judiasm. These people hate Israel. They do not in any way support the country they live in; to the contrary–the country supports them. They are criminals and a case can be made for child abuse through their harrassment of that little girl and clothing children in concentration camp garb. I ask again: Where are the mothers of the children used in that demonstration? I reaffirm: KICK THEM THE HELL OUT.

  7. let us just not forget, as we condemn the neture karte, and complain about the edia hacharadies, that chazal said the sinah of the am ha’aretz is more than that of the non jews. so who is the real nazi and soneh yisroel

  8. Much ado about nothing. Another day in Mea Shurim, except now everything is going global so we have to pretend we are shocked and dismayed. It’s only a matter of time before our shenanigans on this side of the pond are exposed to the goyishe velt.

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