Jewish Groups Get Most Money From Federal Security Grants

A week after a man killed a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington in 2009, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano cited the murder as proof that nonprofit institutions were at risk of attack and could be helped by federal security grants.

In an event announcing $1.7 billion in Department of Homeland Security grants, Napolitano noted that 63 percent of nonprofit grant recipients were “affiliated with Jewish organizations.”

The following year, according to the Jewish Federations of North America, that number grew. In 2010, 94 percent of the department’s nonprofit security funding went to Jewish groups that are, in the words of the Department of Homeland Security, “at high risk of terrorist attack.” That included $222,000 for Jewish nonprofits in Missouri.

Last month, the Nonprofit Security Grant Program awarded three St. Louis Jewish organizations $195,000 in grants to guard against such an attack, according to the Missouri Department of Public Safety. They were the only nonprofits in St. Louis to receive funding from the program, which awarded more than 80 percent of its $20 million budget in 2011 to Jewish nonprofits around the country.


6 Responses

  1. Permit me to save all the conspiracy theorists the trouble of commenting on this article.

    For the anti-Semites: This proves that Jews control President Obama, the American government, and all federal government spending, which of course is motivated by the Jewish love of money.

    For the Jewish Obama-haters who nevertheless want the federal financial support: This is just another example of Obama buying the support of his ignorant liberal Jewish supporters – Israel needs the money more than a non-frum “synagogue”.

    Please do not make any comments that are covered by the above.

  2. Not to be rude, but the Holocaust Museum is a government agency, not a non-profit. It has nothing to do with any program to give grants to non-profits.

  3. My child’s school received a rather large grant from the homeland security bill, and I’m proud to say they used it for cameras and electronic key tags. They never came to inspect how or if it was installed but that’s not the point, I as a parent feel much safer knowing it’s there and it’s being used appropriately.

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