Meah Shearim Mom Gets Her Children Back

About 2.5 years after the “Meah Shearim mom” was headline news, resulting in social services taking her children from her home. The family’s eight children have been returned to their home in Meah Shearim.

In 2009, three of the children traveled to grandparents in England and the youngest, who was believed to have been the victim of starvation and deprivation, was moved to the home of family in Beit Shemesh. The mother signed a plea bargain agreement in 2010 submitting to a three-year house arrest during which time she would see her children with supervision in her home.

During and following the trial, two additional children were born and now, the entire family has been reunited in their Meah Shearim home.

Welfare officials state they are satisfied with the present state of the mother, who was undergoing therapy, and today, the situation at home has significantly improved.

At the time, the case resulted in a storm, including violent protests by the Meah Shearim community and a boycott of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital (despite the fact that the Gavaad Eida Chareidis was rushed to that very hospital during the boycott). Hospital officials told police they had the mom on videotape removing her son’s intravenous, literally starving him, some diagnosing her with Munchausen syndrome by proxy while others denied the allegations, blaming Hadassah of targeting the chareidi community, leading to the boycott.

The mother, whose name was protected by a gag order, is a member of a meyuchis family in Meah Shearim, which many feel was the cause for the community-wide response.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. Hospital officials told the police that they have the woman on video. Thats the problem noone ever saw that video! The reason why the Chareidi community was so upset was A people like HaGoan R Dovid Soloveitzik Shlita said that he knows the story personally and it was a blood libel and B Even according to the Israeli Authorities she shouldn’t have been kept in Jail which she was. A sick person shouldn’t be in jail.

  2. Quote
    “Welfare officials state they are satisfied with the present state of the mother”

    Sure they are !! she is nebach confined to a whellchair !!now that she is disabled they are very happy, because this is how a mother of small children should be……

  3. #1, 2,3 The video was shown many times on television. This ‘mother’ and I use the term lightly should be in jail and should never have custody of any children. Our social services failed these children. Shame on them!
    Safta of 13 sabraS.

  4. No. 3: Evidently, the public child welfare authorities have determined that the “Meah Shearim mom” is no longer crazy and therefore have allowed her family to be reunited, B”H. Regrettably, many of her so-called supporters have not improved to the same degree.

    No. 2: Perhaps what has prevailed is the wisdom of the public authorities and the mercy of Hashem.

  5. How does her being confined to a wheelchair have anything to do with the Welfare department? And if she is confined to a wheelchair why did she have two more children? Or is she confined to a wheelchair because she had two more children?

  6. What perfect timing! She got “cured” of her mysterious “illness” just when the Chareidim are hopping mad at these reshaim about the tznius situation. “See, we Zionists are not really Nazis! We cured your sick sister and returned her kids!”

    Never mind that the “therapy” consisted of trying to break her down and confess to her “crime”, so the docs at Hadassa can get away scot-free for theirs. Now that this sweet, friendly, outgoing woman was broken in body and spirit, they can afford to declare her “cured”.

    On a practical note, this poor thing lives in a tiny apartment with stairs leading to almost every room. Funds are desperately needed to get her a one-level apartment and household help (she’s paralyzed from the waist down). If your empathy (or guilt for besmirching her) moves you to donate, you can probably send it via any trustworthy shaliach in Yerushalayim. May we never know of such terrible, incredible pain.

  7. Miriam, if curses were permitted by the Torah, I’d wish you to be targeted by Child “Protective” Services, fall victim to one of their many mistakes, and rot in jail for your prejudice and blind hatred. If mom’s so dangerous, why was she permitted to keep her 2 youngest? Why was she jailed instead of hospitalized? Thanks to you and your ilk she has turned into a bitter cripple. (It was a result of Epidural, and the doctors say she can’t get cured of the paralysis because of stress.) Perhaps you can do teshuva by sending in a nice donation.

  8. #4, this is a blatant lie! the mother’s lawyer couldn’t even get to see it, nobody ever saw, cuz evidently it does not exist, the hospital created a tumult to sneak away from charges the mother was preparing against them for malpractice and mistreatment of her child.
    Another “strange” fact was very obvious at the time, all other kids were fine and well taken care of, so was her house, so the hospital’s lawyers had to consult a psychiatrist who found some name of a mental illness that may turn to starve “only” one child.. And the vicious game went on.
    BH its over.

  9. #8, the woman was soo guilty.. just because you are from a “meyuchas family” doesn’t mean that you can’t have a mental illness.. and even *IF* the hospital made mistakes that does not discount her abuse of her child.

    Not everything that goes wrong in the chareidi community and social services is because of the “reshoim”.. and frankly the recent activities are showing who the real reshoim are.. spitting on people, harrasing women on busses, beating up the oorah fivish and parading in holocaust uniform.. THAT is EVIL!!

  10. remember when all the gedolim took the time to come and make statements in favor of this woman and her family?
    Oh, and remember when the same gedolim came out to speak out against the crazyness in Meah Shearim Motzei Shabbos or in RBS the last couple of months?

  11. #13,it’s based on reading the many many articles.. speaking to a doctor who knows the doctor accused.. and know of a woman who saw the abuse that this woman committed..

    I am just stating the facts.. even from the most frum family there are still mental illnesses.

  12. chareidirbs, now this is irrefutable evidence which would hold up in any court. Aren’t you embarrassed to write such garbage? I know this woman myself, and we all know what doctors are capable of. Ever heard of malpractice?

  13. #4 Miriam – I must say I am very suspicious of your words. I could not find any evidence that a video was shown to the public. Can you let me know which stations it was on? Why did it not hit the web? I couldn’t find one shred of evidence on the web that the general public saw this video.

    I’m not saying whether she was innocent or guilty (I have heard witnesses from both sides, one saying innocent the other saying guilty), so I leave it undecided. But we have to be honest and unless you have proof and YOU really saw the video, not just heard that it was aired, then you have no right to make such claim.

  14. msseeker your just wrong. Miriam gave an opinion you on the other hand outright attacked her for her opinion. Is she wrong or right doesnt matter you made this personal. It okay to disagree with a person but to attack them the way you just did is wrong, your advising her to teshuva, take a look in the mirror. I hear your opinion and agree with how you feel but do you think personal attacks are the way to get your opinion accross.

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