MK Hasson Seeking To Ban Use Of Yellow Star Following Protest At Kikar Shabbos

Among those outraged by the Eida Chareidis’ use of the yellow star and concentration camp uniforms in the motzei Shabbos protest at Kikar Shabbos is MK (Kadima) Yoel Hasson, who is pushing forward a bill that would ban the use of the yellow star, as is the case in some countries in Europe. Violators of the bill if passed into law would face a fine and/or imprisonment of 100,000 NIS and a six month jail term. The bill also addresses wearing concentration camp uniforms.

Hasson explained that the use of the yellow star was “cynical” and such actions lead to people believing they have the right to spit on women or others.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. What will the Police do if 10,000 or more Chareidim wear the “Yellow Star” at the next Rally, they should better start building more Prison’s

  2. Good idea. No matter how bad some demonstrator thinks some government policy is, it isn’t even close to as horrible as the butchering of 6 million Jewish men women and children in the Shoah.

  3. Israeli’s have no concept of the freedom of speech and this is coming from Kadima the supposed right wing party. sounds Just like the Liberals in this country

  4. Eric55- this is an Abuse of the freedom of speech.. to even compare for one iota a second that this situation is even remotely close to that of the victims of the holocaust is a totally disrespect to those who perished. ALL of them belong in prison for desecrating the memory of those who perished. How DARE they?

  5. The way its done in truly civilized cities is – you dont get the right to demonstrate unless you have a permit.
    Demonstrating should be illegal without proper docs like here in NYC. No permit? – Demonstrate, you get arrested.
    Want a permit? Pay a fee, give the name of your organization. There is no accountability there.

    Once they have these constraints you will see how important their cause truly is to them.

    No need for any other laws.

  6. Arita430 you have all wrong the freedom of speech we have in our constitution is dopey there to protect offensive speech because for polite speech everyone would agree we would not need it protected under constitution an abuse of free speech would be libel speech and threatening speech and crying fire in a theater but merley insensitive enflamitory speech is protected

  7. Eric, this is not merely insensitive.. it is meant to invoke ill feelings towards the govt.. using such an tragedy to gain sympathy for yourself is horrible.

  8. arita430, the point they were making is that they as charedim are feeling persecuted by the leftist, secular media and anti-Torah so-called ‘elite’ in this country, the same ways the Jews were before the shoah in Europe. And you know what, whilst I’m not saying it was the right thing to have necessarily done, THEY HAVE A POINT!! The anti-Torah forces here are just as bad and in some ways worse than their goyish counterparts, certainly spirituality if not physically (may it never get to that) – before the State of Israel runs to complain how the nations of the world are treating their Jews, they should look to see how they are treating their own Torah abiding population! Far from being demeaning to the memory of those who physically perished in the holocaust, fighting the spiritual battles of this generation is actually the best thing we could do both for them and for Am Yisrael now too. The problem comes when people are too far away from the Truth of Torah to be able to see it like that, and instead understand it the way the media portrays it r’l….

  9. Eric55, Kadima is EXACTLY like the US liberals, the antithesis of the G’ fearing. They are the hard-core Left (who of course try to present themselves as the ‘moderate’ centre)

  10. Ido, but the people who are protesting are the ones bringing all this bad onto the entire chareidi population!!!! They protest by vandalism, cursing at people, spitting on people, beating people up etc etc.. THEY are the ones who are bringing the wrath of the media on the rest of us normal Chareidi. It is the normal chareidim who are the victims of their over zealous actions.
    Every single time they protest there is violence and not because of the “zionist police”… They are a disgrace to chareidi jewry worldwide!

    If they were so chareidi they would be very very careful to behave properly and to give the right impression of a Torah Jew!

    As a normal chareidi Jew I am disgusted by their behavior. This is not so much about the secular media as they have always been biased against chareidim. These people have been giving the media ammunition every single time they make a protest!!!!!!

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