Feiglin Looks Forward To Crucial Election vs Netanyahu On January 31

On January 31, 2012, the Likud Party will be holding its election for Party Chairman. The winner of this primary will be the candidate who will run for Prime Minister of Israel from the Likud at the next general election. If the challenger – Moshe Feiglin – defeats current Prime Minister Netanyahu, the government coalition will most likely fall and the general election will be held within a few months.

As all current polls show overwhelmingly that the Likud will win the next election, in essence, this vote is to determine who will be the next Prime Minister of the State of Israel.

There are only two candidates vying for this position – Moshe Feiglin and Benjamin Netanyahu, and they have wildly differing viewpoints.

Mr. Feiglin, President of Manhigut Yehudit – the largest faction of the Likud party – wishes to create a strong, proud Jewish State by ending the fraudulent Oslo Process, ending the taking of all foreign aid, and re-attaching Israelis to their Jewish roots.

Feiglin, who won 24% of the vote at the last election, and about whom former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg said last week is the ‘most important man today in Israeli political discourse’, wishes for Israel to be a Light Unto the Nations, as opposed to Mr. Netanyahu’s stated desire to find Israel’s Place Among the Nations. Mr. Feiglin feels that when Israel’s decisions are made taking into account that Israel should be run according to Jewish values – as opposed to being run according to secular, socialist or globalist values – then Israel will make better decisions and will be on course toward a brighter future.

On the other hand, Mr. Netanyahu is actively trying to create a Jew-free state of ‘palestine’ inside the biblical heartland of Israel. He pursues this policy even though earlier in his career he stated that the ‘palestinians’ already had a state called Jordan and that they had no right to have another one at Israel’s expense. At that time, Mr. Netanyahu also agreed with Newt Gingrich’s recent comments about the ‘palestinians’ being a modern invention created solely to oppose the state of Israel.

The false peace of Oslo has brought nothing but death, destruction and the loss of belief in our own cause to Israel and to Jews worldwide. Israeli withdrawals and statements like the recent one from Mr. Netanyahu that he will “be creative when it comes to [dividing] Jerusalem” only serve to raise the confidence of anti-Semites and terrorists around the globe. It is time for Israel to reverse course before it fades away.

In little more than a month, on January 31, nothing less than the fate of the state of Israel may be decided.

(Press Release – Moshe Feiglin Campaign)

7 Responses

  1. Actually, the polls suggest that if Feiglin is leading Likud, the next Prime Minister will be from one of the left wing parties. Thus a vote for Feiglin in the Likud primary is probably a vote from Livni or Yachimovich.

    Feiglin might be better off trying to build a right wing/nationalist party that can compete for the leadership of the country than in trying to take over one of the major parties. He is thinking like an American, with a two party system guaranteed by the method we hold elections, without any regard for how politics work under a parliamentary system with proportional representation.

    and YWN should know better than to confuse press releases from politicians with news sources….

  2. I hate to say I agree with akuperma but I do this time. If he wins – and weird things happen in primaries – so he may – likud will have 5 seats in the general election – and BIBI will probably just open a new party

  3. no! i totally disagree!

    first of all the fact that jewish values are being presented and marketed under such echelons of leadership and mainstream venue is unparalleled and unprecedented for the jewish people. (actually since Bayis sheni)

    the rest of the so called religious parties or sectarian political shenanigans is unfeasible and is relegated to a certain societal social need of religion. which is equatable to advertizing, women, the food industry and the car industry – albeit more compelling slightly but a “sector” nonetheless for lack of a better term.

    which brings me to my 3rd point you in your heart truly think that ultimately andd finally – jewish practice and jewish message is untenable to the general jewish people and they are not fit to be presented with their own heritage

    when the fact is inherently jewish people are bound with their heritage deeper then computer chips and pharmaceuticals.

    especially in eretz yisroel and especially to the majority of unbiased jews they DESERVE and it is their right to be properly offered a alternative and path to pursue a extra curriculary course which is what jews exactly are extra curriculary.

    we truly are not a nation like all other nations are there are extra dynamics which we must face for our own future and for the safety and prosperity and sanity of the region.

    yes JUDAISM IS FOR JEWS PRACTICALLY not just a opiate for the needs of the fantasy world of religion

  4. Wow. The Jewish version of Ron Paul! Why isn’t everyone calling him crazy?

    Mr Feiglin, I wish you and Ron Paul the best of luck.

    As Jews, we have to be differant and isolated. We should not be in the headlines every day all over the world, nor should we have to rely on others. We have Hashem, and if we make him proud, he is the only one we need.

  5. Is this an article or an op-ed piece:

    “Mr. Feiglin, President of Manhigut Yehudit – the largest faction of the Likud party – wishes to create a strong, proud Jewish State by ending the fraudulent Oslo Process…”

    “Feiglin, who won 24% of the vote at the last election, and about whom former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg said last week is the ‘most important man today in Israeli political discourse’, wishes for Israel to be a Light Unto the Nations, as opposed to Mr. Netanyahu’s stated desire to find Israel’s Place Among the Nations.”

    It’s fine to write an op-ed piece, just don’t pretend that it’s a news article.

  6. In terms of who will win the next election — the real question is whether or not Feiglin is really in sync with the average Likud voter or whether these are religious-nationalists who aren’t normally Likud members flooding the election with votes for Feiglin.

    It’s seems like the later. As such, there is another option if Feiglin wins – the real Likud members form a new party leaving Feiglin with his natural core base [which is probably about the same size as the National Union party].

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