Chareidi Male Arrested for Spitting At Female Soldier On Jerusalem Bus

Jerusalem police on Wednesday morning arrested a chareidi male who was traveling on a number 48 bus in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood. According To an Egged inspector, who summoned police, the man in custody cursed and spat at a female soldier seated in the front of the bus. He allegedly called her a shiksa and other derogatory slurs.

The inspector, who witnessed the incident, summoned police, who took the man into custody.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

31 Responses

  1. They should institute this disgusting act as a hate crime and punish the perpetrators to 20 years in jail. That will put an end to it rather quickly

  2. All of these psychos should be arrested. These people aren’t charedim and they aren’t normal either. There has to be something wrong in someone’s brain to make them act this way. They all need psychotherapy.

  3. I’m not trying to offend people with this comment but…

    It would seem that anyone who would do something like this is at minimum emotionally challenged and is likely also mentally challenged.

    Perhaps much of the current animosity toward charedim swelling up is misguided, as it may not represent the ideals of the community.

    Rather most of the hooligans may be people who have serious problems and should at minimum be medicated and perhaps even institutionilzed. Rationally there doesn’t seem to be any other way to excuse what seems to be excessive anti-social behaviour by adult males.

    Now, re-viewing the videos of the guys moaning at the girls in beit shemesh seems to support this view that many of the batlanim that are involved are likely mentally challenged, and probably easily swayed by one or two truly nutcase ringleaders.

  4. When a hasidishe guy came up to me during shacharit to ask me for money – I was tempted to shout “gevalt” in his face and ignore him. But I stopped myself.

  5. Anglosaxon
    There are probably close to a million chassidim in the world and probably a few 100 of these crazy extremists spread around Israel and other places. You really want to put all chassidim in the same boat?!

  6. So, Mr. Anglo, this has notjing to do with you and everything todo with him! At least you understand the thinking of anti-Semites.

  7. Dear everyone … note that I didn’t actually do anything or say anything to the innocent hasidishe panhandler.

    But why can’t you understand that the problem isn’t the harassers themselves but rather their enablers in the community at large?

  8. I really hope they lock this guy up.
    MAYBE it will make him think about what he has done.
    What he (and his ilk) are doing is a terrible chilul HaShem – PERIOD.

  9. Somethng is wrong with the reporting on this topic. News is falsified or at least not verified before going to print. I do not agree with the kind of behavior described here, but to call this kind of a person “chareidi” and not “fanatic” is wrong and is an insult to all of those good people who proudly consider themselves to be “chareidi”. A few weirdos are allowed to give all of us a bad name all over the world by such reporting and it is not fair, and certainly not “Yeshivish”!

  10. I don’t like when someone spits on another but if you are not here then you don’t know whats going on
    1 last year when B.B. Was asked to help stop the up diging of graves he said he cant mix in as it has to do with the local mayer so why know dose he mix in to this case that is much smaller
    2 why did the israely news not mention anything about the yesterdays story that a charyde was beaten on a bus
    3 its all starting that israel are becoming left and it started when they changed the sign by the kosel from saying that people should in tzaneas’dig to going nicely dressed

  11. >A few weirdos are allowed to give all of us a bad name all
    >over the world by such reporting and it is not fair, and
    >certainly not “Yeshivish”!

    Then why haven’t the leaders spoken out against the “weirdos”? The weirdos have the explicit assent of some rebbes and seem to have implicit assent from others.

  12. dear to the point —
    thanks for reminding me of the graves issue – you know the one where most experts said that it was unlikely that these were Jewish remains yet thousands of chareidi men rioted for the sfek sfeka of kavod hameis…

    it nice to see the same element now standing up in the same numbers against the vadai of kavod habreyos, speaking out against those that oppress 8 year olds

    oh wait, scratch that – none of those guys are standing up now, my bad.

  13. > I don’t like when someone spits on another but if you are not here then you don’t know whats going on

    So “you don’t like it” … that’s so nice but if it were your kids who were being harassed each day your attitude would be different.

  14. Hellloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

    has anyone stopped even thirty seconds to think that maybe this story didnt really happen???!!!!!!

    right now it is very “fasionable” to fabricate these stories and everyone will swallow it, hook line and sinker without thinking.

    read a little on the net in the forums and see maybe what possibly really happened!!!!

    i am also against these actions by extremists and yet if it is true that the emale sat amongst hareidy males, not front or back, but on the chair next to them and touching them and they ask her respectfully to move to another bench…..
    if this is what really happened as i read somewhere, then the soldier has alot of Chutzpah and total disrespect for the chareidy.

    i dont think she needs to go to the back, i do think she should show a little respect for someone that doesnt share her open (and possibly promiscous) lifestyle and sit on another bench.

    so before we begin all the attacking, maybe there is a little place to be more dan lecaf zechus.

  15. “jewishgirl says:
    December 28, 2011 at 7:54 am
    the 48 bus doesn’t run through ramat eshkol (i live here). it must have been a different neighborhood.”

    Or a different bus 🙂

    From what I hear it was the 49aleph (a mehadrin bus) not the 48.

  16. Do not trust the mainstream media. (the verdict is still “out’ on you, YWN) They are fanning the flames of a bunch of shtus. Or at the very least, it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault for commenting on the story a couple weeks back, when it’s none of her business.

    And now I have to listen to my parents, who belong to a Conservative shul, tell me that these filthy hereidim live in squalor and are on “the take” from the government. What do we need to do to usher in moschiach now, and end this nonsense???

  17. According to other news outlets it was the 49, not 48.

    Either way, that’s not the point.

    A statement from the respected Gedolim in EY is long overdue. This has to stop. Jews do not behave this way.

  18. I don’t know where YWN’s “Israeli desk” is getting its info from, but it appears to be from the secular Israeli press, which, as mentioned above, is “somewhat” biased AGAINST charedim.
    The Chadrei website is reporting a wave of attacks ON charedim by secular Israelis, such as:
    * A woman spitting on an Avrech in Bnei Brak, slapping his face, & calling him names.
    * A newspaper reporter attacking a 4-year-old charedi girl, by screaming at [& frightening] her, & spitting in her direction.
    * A resident of Ashdod threatening to take a gun & shoot at 10 charedim. This was filmed [you can see a video on their website].

    The story on the 49 [yes forty-nine] bus, charedi version:
    The female soldier sat herself amongst ten charedi men & was politely asked to move. No one spat on her or called her names. Unlike other “events”, the police came VERY quickly.

  19. #22 Simon a media bias against Haredim is not an excuse for appalling behavior which is a chilul Hashem. That there are 2 sides to this story is not a surprise, but at the end of the day ALL of the incidents are not false. If the the sense of embarrasment and outrage that most of us feel when an Extremist masquerading as frum assaults another person would be conveyed to the media, at least they would be undercut in their reporting. But I don’t think we are conveying that (or maybe BH now we are starting to -see Rabbi Horowitz’s letter campaign). Instead we have so far been conveying aplogetics, excuses or at best apathy.

  20. amazing how you are always ready to accept and spew venom at frum based on any claims. how often have things been misrepresented. for instance how many irreligious papers constantly call the frum “parasites. and how many frum publications are dedicated to name calling the irreligious.?

  21. #18Tzvideer, are only haredim entitled to be judged Lkaf Zechus? But the femaile solider you say, we have to assume is living a “possibly promiscuous lifestyle”??? I do not think it needs to be said that baavonoseinu harabim that someone who dresses as a ben Torah is not necessarily such. So by all means be dan BOTH lekaf zechus. Maybe it was alll a misunderstanding . . .

  22. #24 using other people’s faults to make excuses for one’s own failings is not an effective or convincing strategy. Quite the contrary, it is an admission of guilt, follwed by an attempt at justification. There is simply NO JUSTIFICATION for the use of violence against these women. It is a disgusting Chilul Hashem. Why don’t you write that. Then you can discuss the moral failings of other groups.

  23. Wow, it took EIGHTEEN comments (yashar koach tzvideer!) till someone mentioned that just MAYBE this whole story shouldn’t just be taken at face value… well the TORAH has something to say about that too, and it’s called ACCEPTING LASHON HORA (not to mention adding more r’l!) and it’s KNEGED ALL THE OTHER AVEIROT there are Common people, shmirat halashon is what will bring Mashiah!!

  24. It is wrong wrong to spit
    It is wrong to provoke like sitting down purposely
    If this is true who sent her to do this.If there is a flaming fire you don’t through gasoline. Two wrongs do not make a right.If she sat there she was wrong and if he spat on her he was twice as wrong.
    If the public knows what happens on the army bases at night
    among the girls in the army there would be an up cry to
    get the girls out of the army.
    I believe gadolim have spoken such as the Belzer Rebbe.
    I believe the press is looking for rag sheet news by throwing more and more gasoline on the fire.
    The press should be shut off for any more comments on this.
    The government does it all the time

  25. Everyone is very frustrated at the growing tensions with the Zealots. It started more than 30 years when they threw the first stone at a car and screamed shabbos. Over the past year we a few riots over a parking garage, moving pagan bones TO build a fortified hospital wing, screaming at little girls and spitting on them and the list can go on.

    All we hear is not to blame the charadim it is only a few zealots. That may be true however to the average eye if quack and looks like a duck it is a duck. It is the moral duty of every single Charadi rav, Charadi community leader and Charadi MK to actively denounce the tactics and goal of the zealots. It also their duty to counter protest with a high ratio of 10 to 1. Those Charadi leaders who choose to do nothing a basically supporting the zealots and causing a chillul hashem.

    The chillul hashem is not the reporting, it is the action (and in action) that world and Secular Jews see that saids look at these holy Jews, how can they spit, how can they call a little girl a prostitute, how can they cut in front of the line, how can they force woman in back of the bus, how can they…

  26. This people have major issues! They should be receiving help! This is exactly why we are in gulus! I mean spitting on someone! The nerve the chutzpah to do that is extreme! who do these people think they are! Some Jewish people wearing shorts or not covering there hair etc! Are better then them. Such a chilull hashem

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