Nationwide Hate Campaign Against Chareidim

The headline of the daily HaMevaser newspaper on Tuesday, 1 Teves addresses the “wave of incitement” and the “hate campaign” against the chareidi tzibur in Eretz Yisrael.

HaMevaser explains the candle-lighting ceremony held at the Orot School on Herzog Street in Beit Shemesh on Monday night marked the official opening of the “hate campaign” against the chareidi tzibur in Israel. The report explains the event was hosted by the “A Free Israel” organization together with a number of non-religious organizations.

The report goes on to explain that during the past two weeks, television news crews have spent many hours in the chareidi areas of Beit Shemesh, “provoking the tzibur at large with its presence and its questions” towards reporting on the “growing problem” in Israel today, in Beit Shemesh and other areas in which chareidim represent a significant number of the population. One TV report included the words of an opponent to the chareidim, who stated “this will not stop until one takes an Uzi and kills ten of them”. This statement was not condemned by any public officials the newspaper reports.

The newspaper points out the “irony” that the anti-chareidi campaign was launched at a Chanukah candle-lighting event in girl’s school affiliated with the dati leumi community. A march is planned from the school along Rabbi Herzog Street to Rabbi Yossi Ben Kisma Street, an event that is expected to attract thousands. HaMevaser explains some of the chareidi residents along the route are fearful, blaming the past two weeks of media incitement, which they think may lead to attacks against them and their property during the march. They are afraid that if thousands really attend, it may deteriorate into a violent gathering that can easily spin out of control due to the sheer numbers.

Beit Shemesh Municipality spokesman Rabbi Matityahu Rozensweig is calling for calm, aware the event may get out of control. Police are preparing for thousands to take part, assigning hundreds of police to maintain order. President Shimon Peres has called on the public at large to come out and join the event, which he feels is a statement against extremism and a showing of support for the rights of women.

The major event is scheduled to take place on Tuesday night, December 27, 2011.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. Of course, NO ONE should be talking about shooting another Jew, and if someone DID say it he should be condemned for having done so.

    BUT… We must remember that it is these pseudo-chareidim that have brought this hatred upon themselves, NOT by being TRULY chareidi, but by behaving like thugs and hooligans. NO rav would endorse spitting at, or throwing stones at little girls – EVEN if they were NOT frum girls, and the girls who have been the victims here ARE frum, tzniyusdikly dressed girls!

  2. I really don’t care who started what. BUT, the SILENCE of mainstream charedim and their Rabonim with regard to all the violence in Mea Shearim, Batei Warsaw and now in Beit Shemesh HAS BEEN DEAFENING!

    And its because of the total lack of anyone of any value standing up against this violence, perpetrated in the name of frum chareidi Judaism, that we are where we are today.

    so R’Charedi if you are looking for someone to blame, look in the mirror, because who you see is who the rest of the world sees when these hooligans act up around the country.

  3. I’m sorry, but this wave of animosity is not undeserved. Jews have always been persecuted for their religious beliefs, and to now project their beliefs on other people – jews or otherwise – is just asking for the world to look down on them. Be as frum as you want, but to protest and destroy is not the was to influence the world around you.

  4. This is news? News requires it should be something “new”, and the anti-Torah orientation of zionism is over 100 years old. The goal of zionism was to be an “Am Hofshi” – a people free from the yoke of Torah, and all frum Jews, whether they wear a streimel or a kipah srugah or a sheitel or a baseball cap, are an “in your face” rejection of Israel’s national “raison d’etre”.

  5. Every day is Hate day against the Religious non charadi in Ramat Bet Shemesh.

    What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

  6. Have you ever thought of the fact that too many of your stories are inflammatory and harmful to the spirit of Achdus? Have you ever considered the impact that you may be making with the hype that have become the hallmark of your articles? Most people living throughout Eretz Yisroel do not encounter the Chareidi versus Charedi battles nor the Chareidi versus non Chareidi battles that you so dwell upon. Do you have the ability to write informative articles that do not dwell on the negative and that do not magnify small minor groups or rare occurrences?

  7. I have recently spent some time with non-frum cousins.
    The recent stories re chareidi violence has done much damage. This has given the non-frum world much to complain about.
    I feel like years of work by people who promote the beauty of frumkeit and the importance of achdus has gone down the drain.
    Mostly I feel sad because our leaders seem so unable to be true leaders and give us and the jewish world true direction.

  8. Excuse me #2.. Us Chareidim are talking about this horrific thing as well!!! We don’t have to speak to the mainstream media in order to be seen as caring. As we speak there is a sign in my building ( and I am sure many others!) for an organization called K’Echad which calls for learning hilchos Bein Adam Lchavero!!!! THAT is the way to fight this and NOT by doing massive protests. In my opinion the Orot school knew full well what they were getting into by putting the girls school there. They were stuck on their principle instead of actually caring about the safety of the girls!!!!

    These “chareidi” nutcases have nothing to do with chareidi Judaism.. But let me tell you this .. the American dati Leumi community is not so innocent here.There are some of their women who did a flashmob in the middle of Tachana mercazit in Yerushalayim and were dancing with men! The dati leumi could be bending a little bit.. i.e. asking the mothers who are bringing their children to dress according to halacha (which if you would watch a youtube video of their protest in September, you would see that many of the women do not..)Oh and not all the girls at this protest were dressing so tznius. The tznius concerns are somewhat valid but the means that were used to protest it were sooo very very wrong!

    And another thing.. all this fuss is causing a HUGE chillul Hash-m!!

  9. The so-called “Chareidim” are the ones who threatened violence. BTW, many Chareidim who are sick of these mishagoyim are joining the parade. Two Chareidi rabbanim (who also plan to join) went to the home of the Margolis family to show their support.

  10. This “nice parade” is blasting throughout the city and not having a care in the world that there are many many children who are being put to bed at this hour.. SHAME!

  11. One TV report included the words of an opponent to the chareidim, who stated “this will not stop until one takes an Uzi and kills ten of them”. This statement was not condemned by any public officials the newspaper reports. AND WHERE IS THE GOVERNMENT FOR NOT GOING AFTER THIS PERSON AND ARRESTING

  12. The story here is not the actions of these Chareidim. These are local issues that should be worked out locally.

    The story is the fact that the national media (funny how the Associated Press seems to be leading the charge, as there may not be amore anti-simetic rag) is making such a big thing of it, and for what reason?

  13. I’m secular but think:
    – Israeli hilonim are anti-Semitic
    – Israeli hilonim love to persecute the haredim
    – the arrest of the Slonim and of Lior were outrages
    – the secular, leftist Israeli judiciary engages in political prosecution of those who are religious or on the right
    – the separation issues should have been resolved with quiet compromise out of the international eye
    – to satisfy his ego, the criminally foolish Peres damaged the nation severely with Oslo and now is damaging the nation again by ginning up hatred of the religious.

  14. Can some one please let us know witch rabbi has approved this action. Maybe the organizers are christian, catholic or Muslims? I can’t believe that the people behind this are Jewish.

  15. Drocheyo darchei noam. Spitting, pushing, destroying others property (like sheitels, bleach on clothing). Shouting, throwing rocks or eggs.
    Avrohom was blessed that the goyim should want their children to be like him. Who would want their children to be a chareidi!
    Even those who are religious orthodox do not want to be associated with this term ‘chareidi’. It is a badge of shame.

  16. no, excuse me, arita430

    its people like you that justify my screen name.
    1) the planning of the school predates the neighborhood, so that argument should be turned on its head: who told them to build their neighborhood across from a girl’s school

    2)I’ve never heard a more moronic justification of the general chareidi silence. Contrast the dinky little sign in your anonymous apartment building with the thousands of pashkvilim that get plastered around the city every time some group disagrees with the way we now part our hair or some other meshugas. Or the thousands who show up to protest everytime there is a slight chashas that they are digging up someone’s grave…

    but your signs are right — there is a huge problem with bein adom l’chavero in the charedi community– but i think the efforts are far too little and much too late.

    No the Charedi lack of response, compared to their general response to everything else that minimally irks them is DEAFENING!

  17. 1. I hear your point . However, the school wasn’t opened before they moved there. They only opened it this year.
    That still does not mean that the Dati Leumi school can’t have sensitivities towards the people that live there. Where is THEIR Ahavas yisrael? Kol Yisrael Areivim Ze la zeh! This business of saying ” it’s not my problem, we were here first ” is so childish and so not productive. Don’t these people want the Bais Hamikdash rebuilt?

    2. There is no chareidi silence. We just aren’t talking to the media. The men are sitting and learning TORAH..
    3. Who cares about the pashkivilim?The fact is that there is a movement to correct things.

    4. It is NEVER to late to work on Bein Adam L’Chavero. But let me tell you that it’s not just the Chareidi community that has issues. Unfortunately all sects have their Bein Adam L’Chavero issues and the dati leumi community is not immune. There is a chazal that says that you can start every day anew and do Teshuvah!

  18. to arita430
    1) YOU SAID: “That still does not mean that the Dati Leumi school can’t have sensitivities towards the people that live there.” you mean incorporating their chumras on top of chumras of tznius – so all eight year old girls should be wearing bullet proof stockings?
    1b) YOU SAID “This business of saying ” it’s not my problem, we were here first ” is so childish and so not productive” HEY you said it first: “in my opinion the Orot school knew full well what they were getting into by putting the girls school there. ”

    2) YOU SAID “There is no chareidi silence. We just aren’t talking to the media. ” the men are conveniently sitting and learning when it benefits they current needs yet somehow the chareidi community can muster hundreds or thousands and plaster the town in white and black when they are upset at some small offshoot of the electric company.

    3)YOU SAID “Who cares about the pashkivilim?The fact is that there is a movement to correct things.” see #2 AND the “movement” is intentionally vague because no one wants to overtly stand up to these hooligans the way they overtly stand up to say the gay pride parade . But hey you can be the first – come and say that what the group of yutzes in beit shemesh, and those violent nuts in batei varsaw and the jerks who attacked Manny’s day in and day our are wrong… or maybe you are content to ‘work’ on your bein adam lechavero

    4)you are right on this end: but I’ve never seen a greater lack of bein adom lechavero than in geulah/meah shearim

  19. 1. no I mean keeping basic HALACHA.
    1b. Right.The orot school did know what they were going into being that the protests preceded the opening of the school 1c. The “chareidim” should have checked out the area before buying there.

    2. You don’t need that many people to put up posters!

    3. The movement is NOT vague . It is trying to bring unity to Am Yisrael.

    What is the parent body /Dati Leumi doing for unity in klal yisrael? ZERO.

    They start trouble with the bus issues and only care about their rights, not the rights of the chareidi women who like the mehadrin bus lines. They do flashmobs in the middle of tachana mercazit and dance in front of men which is against halacha. etc etc.

  20. #21, you are extremely judgemental of chareidim. You make it seem like they are horrible. There are problems in all sects of Judaism.. stop YOUR HATE!

  21. To arita430
    1) Ma inyan shmitah etzel har sinai – that’s right out left field — try again?
    1b) so after they finished spending the money and building the school and all the planning and all the hard work they should just abandon the school and their children’s future and the fact that they won’t have a school for their daughters this year all because of a few nutcases that are complaining — by the way you sound like you agree with them…
    2)Reading comprehension FAIL: all i’m saying is that the charedi community flexes its protest muscles when it wants to. what about that poor Munchhausen by proxy women who was treated at Hadassah — remember the violent protests for that? Who’s standing up for these poor girls that have to pass a gauntlet of batlanim moaning at them every morning (watch the youtube videos -its disturbing!)
    3) any movement that claims that is “trying to bring unity to Am Yisrael” is by definition vague! where is the movement to stop the violence by the marginal charedi groups in beit shemesh and meah shearim?
    In response to your 8:01 argument — its the pot calling the kettle black– look at what you said in that same arrangement where you have grouped the parent body of the Orot school together with a random group of people that danced at a flash mob — if that’s not poor reasoning compounded by being very judgmental I don’t know what is.

    It must be hard to drink the kool-aid with your head buried so deep in the sand – come up for air and perhaps you’ll see how crazy it really is out here.

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