Saudi Textbooks: Students Are Taught The Annihilation Of The Jewish People Is Imperative

Despite Saudi Arabia’s promises to clean up textbooks in the kingdom, recent editions continue to raise alarms in the West over jihadist language.

The recent editions were obtained by the Institute for Gulf Affairs in Washington, D.C., and the translations were first provided to Fox News.

“This is where terrorism starts, in the education system.” Ali Al-Ahmed, director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs, told Fox News. Al-Ahmed, a Saudi national, said the textbooks, made and paid for by the Saudi government, were smuggled out of the kingdom through confidential sources.

In a textbook for 10th-graders, printed for the 2010-2011 academic year, al-Ahmed said teenagers are taught barbaric practices. “They show students how to cut (the) hand and the feet of a thief,” he said. In another textbook, for ninth-graders, the students are taught the annihilation of the Jewish people is imperative. One text reads in part: “The hour (of judgment) will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. … There is a Jew behind me come and kill him.”


7 Responses

  1. More Fox News fear mongering trying to push the United States into a third unwinnable military conflict.

    Yes it’s true the Koran says all sorts of nasty things about Jews.

    But, our books do as well. Everyone belives that the arrival of Moshiach is immenent and that the goyim will be our slaves.

    No one sees a problem with the contradiction here?

    So maybe it’s time to dial it back on stories like these.

  2. As the Chafetz Chaim said (back in 1930) – the Torah would not have told us that yishmelim are PEREH/adam if it was just referring to yishmael himself. The Torah told us this to let us realize that FOR ALL TIME yishmaelim are PEREH/adam, regardless of whether they may wear western clothing or be doctors or professors.

  3. MoisheInGolus,

    Nope..I’ve read the source material my self.

    All I’m saying is that we should not be calling out other religions for something we are guilty of as well.

  4. The Torah and chazal do NOT call for the killing of non-Jews (other than Mechiyas Amalek)!

    AS far as after Moshiach comes, the general consensus is “Wait and see”.

    If “ignorance is bliss”, there are many commentators here who must be very happy.

  5. #6:

    So how is endorsement of committing genocide on Amalek any different than (l’havdil) the Koran’s endorsement of killing Jews?

    And I say l’havdil because we know what we believe in is true. However, matters of religion cannot be proven; they are premised on faith. So, to the outside world, our Torah is as murderous as the Koran.

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