RCCS Miracles ’11 Auction: Chief Thoracic Oncologist to Answer Your Questions at RCCS Simulcast

Dr. Harvey Pass, Chief Thoracic Surgeon at NYU Cancer Center, in a testament to his high regard for RCCS’ life-saving work, has agreed to appear Monday evening as part of the RCCS Auction simulcast. Dr. Pass is a world renown expert in mesothelioma, esophageal disease, and lung cancer, and will answer your questions in regard to these diseases, as well as comment on the import of the recent anti-smoking campaign collaboration between RCCS and NYU.

This Monday evening, December 19, is the culmination of a months-long effort by the ladies auxiliary of RCCS, and the actual prize drawing  will take place with a several-hour simulcast, beginning at 7:00PM. Information on how to call in your questions to Dr. Pass will be announced at the start of the program, between the hours of 7 and 8:00PM.

You can watch or listen to the entire simulcast Monday December 19, from 7-11PM, by calling thw YWN Newsline at 718-506-1111 or by logging on to www.rccsauction.org where you will be inspired and entertained by a slew of special guests, including co-hosts Mendy Pellin from Los Angeles and Yoily Lebowitz, from Brooklyn. More than 45 fabulous prizes, worth an aggregate of $400,000, will be awarded over a phone and web simulcast, direct from the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. In addition, the Grand Prize of $25,000 cash plus the Split-the-Pot Mega Prize, expected to surpass $250,000, will be awarded as well!

Yossi Zweig of the Z Report/Nachum Segal Live Lunch will lead the musical aspect of the evening together with Shloime Daskal, Yoely Greenfeld, Berry Weber, Yitzchak Fuchs, Eli Gerstner with a YBC soloist, and the Hamizamrim singers, all accompanied by the Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra and conducted by the world-famous Yisroel Lamm.These stars in the world of Jewish music have combined their unique talents to benefit the many hundreds of cancer patients annually being assisted by RCCS, theRofeh Cholim Cancer Society.

In addition, the newly composed emotional and inspiring melody,‘Illuminations” a song that describes the arduous journey of a family whose child was stricken with cancer, r”l, will be sung by Michoel Pruzansky, accompanied by visual effects.

You can still help RCCS create more miracles through charity, kindness and caring; go to www.rccsauction or call 1 877 332 2808 today.

Since 1997, RCCS, Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society, has been “Funding Miracles” by providing an array of services for cancer-stricken patients in need.  Primary among these life-saving programs is the subsidizing of health insurance premiums, enabling these patients to obtain the best possible medical care.

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