‘All-American Muslim’ Controversy Prompts Brooklyn Lowe’s Protest

Activists gathered outside of a Brooklyn Lowe’s Sunday to protest the store’s decision to pull its ads from a reality show about Muslims.

Lowe’s decided to pull its commercials from TLC’s “All-American Muslim” series after being pressured by the Florida Family Association.

The evangelical Christian organization says the show did not accurately portray average Muslims, who, it says, are extremists who want Sharia law in the U.S.

Despite the growing backlash from various religious groups and celebrities, Lowe’s has said it is sticking by its decision since the show has become controversial.

Sunday’s protest was organized by a group called the National Lowe’s Boycott Network, which says the company is bending to the will of a bigoted, right-wing fringe group.

(Source: NY1)

5 Responses

  1. A strong argument can be made that the principal attraction of the United States for most Muslims who have moved here, as it was for most Jews who came here in the 19th can early and 20th century, is to be free of the religious restrictions of the “old country.” Muslims who wish to live in an Islamic society have several dozen they can move to, and with American educational credentials they’ll probably live a lot better than in the US. To extend the comparison to Jews, if there was a secure Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael (not a secular state controlled by Jews dedicated to establishing a society “free” from the yoke of Torah), how many Orthodox Jews would prefer to live in America.

  2. Lowe’s should be commended for not given in to the attempts to “reinvent” Islam. Just because some elements in Islam are attempting a targeted public relations program to refurbish their image…Americans won’t buy it. Until there is substance (positive action), no one will believe the “peaceful” claims of any Islamic “Madison Ave” hype.

  3. So, tell us, Mottel1, how many years have you spent learning about Islam? Me? I spent about 3 weeks in high school and one week in college learning about Islam, and I do not recall any requirements to disrupt America. My Muslim neighbor once turned off my bedroom light on Shabbos – not as an act of terror but pursuant to my request – but that’s pretty much all I know about American Muslims.

    There are also those American-born guys in bow ties who call themselves fruits of Islam – but I hear Muslims from the Middle East do not consider them “real Muslims,” much as you might not consider me a “real Jew.”

  4. Lowe’s should be ashamed of the way they caved into a bigoted pressure group.
    I trust the commentary here would be different if the show in question was “American Jews{.”
    I personally will NEVER buy anything at Lowe’s again, and I have so informed them.

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