Rudy Giuliani Bashes Mitt Romney As A Flip-Flopper

Rudy Giuliani unleashed a vitriolic rant against Mitt Romney Thursday — slamming the GOP presidential hopeful for his string of flip-flops.

Giuliani — whose attack was the fiercest yet from a GOP A-lister against Romney — accused the former Massachusetts governor of having few core convictions.

“I ran against him in ‘07 and ‘08 [and\] I’ve never seen a guy change his position so many times, so fast, on a dime,” the former New York City mayor said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

But just as Giuliani slammed Romney, another powerful New York pol took a swipe at new GOP front-runner Newt Gingrich.

Gov. Cuomo called Gingrich a “a very bright man with large ideas” but warned that his “politics are exactly wrong for this nation.”

Cuomo, appearing on Albany’s Talk 1300-AM Thursday morning, noted that he served in the Clinton administration when Gingrich was Speaker of the House – and cautioned that the Georgian should be taken seriously.

“He was very effective at that time politically in changing the Congress so I don’t think anybody should underestimate his political effectiveness, Cuomo said.

Meanwhile, Giuliani has recently became a vociferous Gingrich supporter, and he suggested that Romney’s alleged flip-flops would make him an easy target for President Obama.

“I think that is a great vulnerability … What will Barack Obama do to that?” Giuliani asked. “What Barack Obama will do with that [is say\] ‘This is a man without a core, a man without substance, a man that will say anything to become President of the United States.’”


5 Responses

  1. And Romney would answer, “At least I listen and follow what the people want. You (Obama), on the other hand, are deaf (, dumb) and stubborn and don’t listen to what the public wants.”

    Just for the record, Obama also said whatever he wanted just to become President. So sorry, this claim will actually hurt the incumbent more because he actually has a record in the Whitehouse.

  2. While guliani is a republican cuomo is a Dem, I wouldn’t expect a dem like andrew to say anything nice about any potential GOP candidate, in fact I read his early comments as a sign of concern in their camp that the GOP may finaly have a serious contender, not a reality tv star or pizza icon.

  3. “GOP A-lister” – he hasn’t won an election since 1997 (similar to Gingrich), passed up several chances to run for United States Senator or Governor, tried to run for president and failed miserably. If he was Senator Guiliani or Governor Giuliani, he might be a candidate himself.

    Romneyh tends to flip-flop, whereas Gingrich changes his positions after careful consideration and deep thought.
    Obama on the other hand tends to be consistent – he never lets facts, changing conditions or mere rationality interfere with his chosen path.

  4. I guess its open season on Newt now that he is doing well in the polls. The Obamaites are scared silly. I wonder if he’ll even carry his own state!

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