SUNDAY – Hachnosas Sefer Torah In Memory Of Moshe Berkowitz Z”L, Killed by Drunk Driver Last Year

Last year on November 29, 23 Kislev, a tragic accident too the life of 25-year-old Moshe Berkowitz Z”L. The devestating tragedy shook up the entire Flatbush community, and left his family and friends reeling from overwhelming anguish and pain.

In his short lifetime, Moshe accomplished so much and his pleasant personality and sterling Midos endeared him to so many. He was always inspiring others to become better while at the same time, working on his own character.

He always kept himself busy with good things, if he wasn’t learning he was doing something else constructive. He spent mornings learning at Yeshivas Ohr Yitzchak, The yeshiva was his life. Moshe davened there, spent hours learning there, and made himself available 24/7 to help others. He was an amud hayeshiva, a pillar of the yeshiva.

Moshe joined the nightly learning program at Yeshivas Ohr Yitzchok seven years ago. After the first year, he joined the morning bais medrash, to which he belonged for the next five years. Moshe grew tremendously in his learning and avodas Hashem despite the many challenges and distractions around him. He turned himself into a true ben Torah. In the course of his years attending the morning and night seder Moshe learned with the Yeshiva Mesechtos Sukkah, Kiddushin, Bava Metziah, Shabbos, Brachos, Sotah, and Avodah Zarah , besides for other mesechtos that he learned on his own. On Friday afternoons, Moshe was one of the yechidim calmly sitting in the bais medrash, learning.

A few years ago He accepted the challenge to teach secular subjects to the 7th grade boys at Birchas Shmuel Jr High School which consists of sixth, seventh and eighth grade. Moshe became the star English teacher at Yeshivas Birchas Shmuel. He was able to relate to the boys and they confided in him. His cool and laid-back demeanor made him approachable and popular. Students wanted to be like Moshe who personified a ben torah who is well rounded excelling both in midos, hasmoda, devotion in davening as well as being active in sports and chesed activities. Moshe invested his kochos into his students and encouraged them to succeed; in turn they tried to emulated his ways and discover the joys of learning and shmiras hamitzvos. He was a true friend to people of all ages.

He went to night school in Brooklyn College, where he was studying for a BA in psychology. He also worked part-time at a home healthcare agency, and yet he spent countless hours with his students, engaging them in healthy outlets and activities.

On the night of his petirah two days before Chanukah, Moshe was on his way home after finishing his weekly game of bowling with his young talmidim when his car was hit by a drunken driver. When his rebbeim went from the hospital to the site of the crash they found many seforim in his car as well as two large boxes of chocolate Chanukah coins that he had already purchased to give as a gift to his students.

Moshe had sterling character traits, along with the sweetest personality. He was a walking kiddush Hashem. He always tried to cheer up those who were down and lent a helping hand to any friend in need. He had a tremendous lev tov and an ayin tov. Over the years, he tutored many boys, very often without remuneration. Moshe never had a bad word to say about anyone. He preferred to focus on their positive attributes and bring the good deeds of others into the spotlight.

Moshe took particular pride in being mesameach choson v’kallah at weddings, and used his impressive break dancing skills and footwork to great acclaim. His motivation was not to show off but only to bring joy to the newlyweds.

As we slowly try to heal from the deep wound and gaping hole we feel in our hearts it becomes more and more clear how great the loss is. Mo was accomplishing so much and growing every day, he had already touched so many lives when all of his vast potential was lost in a sudden moment as he was tragically plucked away.

In the days following the tragedy his friends desperately wanted to do something meaningful not only to remember Moshe but even more so to actually create an ongoing source of continuous zechusim for his neshama.


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