Cheney: Obama Should Have Destroyed Drone

Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Monday night criticized President Obama for not finding a way to destroy the downed U.S. drone in Iran.

“The right response to that would have been to go in immediately after it had gone down and destroy it,” he said on CNN’s “Out Front With Erin Burnett.”

Instead, Cheney said, “he asked nicely for them to return it. They aren’t gonna do that. … Or, they’ll send it back to us in pieces after they’ve gotten all the intelligence out of it they can.”

Iran claimed to have taken down an American spy drone earlier this month. Obama said Monday the U.S. has “asked for it back.”

Obama refused to comment further on classified intelligence matters. “We’ll see how the Iranians respond,” he said during a press conference.

Cheney, who served with former President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009, said he “was told the president had three options on his desk and he rejected all of them.” The options all involved destroying the drone on the ground.

“You can do that from the air,” he said, “and, in effect, make it impossible for them to benefit from having captured that drone.”

(Source: The Hill)

10 Responses

  1. Why would Barak Hussein want to destroy the drone? This was a great way of giving his Muslims friends and allies a present. The other question is how did the drone fall into the hands of the Iranians in the first place? Anyone here seen any answers?

  2. Did obama ask pretty please to get it back. Did he beg like a dog? obama made a big mistake and not destroy it; while America made a bigger mistake putting obama in control of America

  3. But that makes too much sense for Obama to have taken seriously enough to act on. Or maybe Obama thought that destroying it would amount to an act of torture or something. Let’s just face it, we don’t actually have a President.

  4. all you chachamim, including Cheney;they lost control of it, probably don’t have a clue where it is now, you tell us what to do. (perhaps it should have some self destruct mechanism in such cases, but unfortunately for you, obama didn’t design it-I guess that’s his fault too)

  5. It definitely would have been designed with a built in GPS so it can be tracked and either recovered or destroyed in precisely such a scenario.

  6. #5, Where have you been? Obama was presented with THREE SEPARATE PLANS for either retrieving the drone or destroying it. They knew exactly where it was, and were able to execute any of these plans. He rejected all three, because Iran might have seen them as “acts of war”.

  7. Reminds me of an old Knight Rider episode where the bad guys got a hold of Kitt and as much as they tried couldn’t break into him due to his technology. In the meantime Kitt was able to run surveillance on them from the inside the bad guys headquarters.

    Maybe the crashing of the drone in Iran was a sort of Trojan horse gift to Iran?

  8. Mr Presedent The world is laughing at you, please run away now quietly,before you realy have to.PLEASE? do bist a bjick, un do vaist dos, shnell loift avek in a tunkle vinkle, do chaleria duuu. A gass yingle vos shychus hust do mit gadlus ??

  9. It is particulary fitting that the uninformed and incompetent Mr. Cheney should give voice to his unfounded thoughts on the day when the US is about to withdraw from the Iraqi war that started on his watch, at his urging. Mr. Cheney assured us that the war (i) would end in a matter of months, and (ii) would be paid for with Iraqi oil profits. 10 years and $1,000 billions later, anyone who thinks Mr. Cheney knows the least of what he is talking about is as ignorant as … well … Mr. Cheney.

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