ABC News: American Stealth Drone Shown On Iran TV Might Be A Fake

U.S. officials say they are still trying to determine whether the aircraft shown on Iranian television today was the American stealth drone that went down in Iran last week.

Early Thursday, U.S. officials said, and ABC News reported, that the craft displayed did not appear to be the highly sensitive RQ-170 Sentinel and might be a model, in part because U.S. imagery indicated the Sentinel had not landed intact. Later, however, officials said it was possible that the Iranians had reconstructed the drone for display on television, but that the evidence was “inconclusive.”

Pentagon spokesperson Capt. John Kirby said Thursday that U.S. officials were examining the footage aired in Iran for clues.

“I wouldn’t characterize it just as military personnel looking,” Kirby told reporters. “We’ve seen the imagery. There are folks that are looking at it.”

Kirby could not confirm that the drone shown on Iranian TV was the one the U.S. military admitted it lost, but said that generally speaking, “When U.S. technology falls into the wrong hands, it’s always a concern.”


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