Update On Shooting From Chabad Rabbi At Virgina Tech

Virginia Tech’s Chabad rabbi has been fielding calls since a shooter gunned down a police officer on campus early Thursday afternoon. Another individual was found dead in a nearby parking lot, where the shooter fled.

“Students are calling to find out if everyone’s ok, if I have more info,” Rabbi Zvi Yaakov Zweibel told lubavitch.com minutes after the news broke. Zweibel says that he, like everyone else on campus, is taking the advice of the authorities to remain indoors. “The entire campus is on lockdown.”

The news brought tremors back to this campus where four years ago, a student went on a killing spree at Virginia Tech, leaving many dead and wounded. The Chabad House, which caters to Virginia Tech’s 1200 Jewish students, was established after that massacre in 2007, in memory of Professor Librescu, the Israeli who saved his students’ lives before being murdered himself

“It’s a fortunate thing that today is reading day—when there are no classes and students are for the most part, in their rooms preparing for finals,” Zweibel said.

Zweibel is advising students to stay calm, remain indoors and follow the instructions of law enforcement authorities. He says that although he and most of the students on campus today arrived after the 2007 tragedy, “there is a greater awareness on this campus—in a good way.”

(Source: Lubavitch.com)


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