Jerusalem: Violence Feared Over Mughrabi Bridge Closing AT Har HaBayis

Jerusalem municipal officials said they will shut down the Mughrabi Bridge, a move liable to touch off a new round of violence between Muslims and Jews.
The municipality said the Mughrabi Bridge – a wooden walkway that connects the Kosel and the Har HaBayis – is a fire hazard and structurally unsound and must be replaced.
Any work in the area around the Har HaBayis draws fierce condemnation and sometimes violence from Palestinians, many of whom suspect Israel wants to harm Muslim shrines. An official with the Muslim clerical body that runs the complex warned that protests were liable to break out this time, too.

In a letter released Thursday, Jerusalem city engineer Shlomo Eshkol informed authorities of his plan to block access to the walkway to all but security forces. The shutdown could take place immediately after a one-week public comment period.

(Source: Ynet)

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