Putin Accuses Hillary Of Encouraging Protests In Russia

During televised remarks, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Thursday of encouraging protests in his country.

“They heard this signal and with the support of the U.S. State Department began their active work,” Putin said, according to the AP.

On Monday, Clinton had expressed “serious concerns” about the way in which Russia’s parliamentary elections have been handled.

“Russian voters deserve a full investigation of all credible reports of electoral fraud and manipulation and we hope in particular that then Russian authorities will take action” on reports that come forward, Clinton said, according to an earlier AP report.

The Russian Foreign Ministry immediately dismissed these comments as “unacceptable,” according to Reuters.

Russian protesters have been demonstrating for three straight nights over voter fraud observed during Sunday’s parliamentary elections. The protests have been driven by reports of ballot box stuffing by observers at polling stations.

The AP had also previously reported that former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev had called for the annulment of the election results, and suggested that the whole election should be done again.

(Source: Politico)

3 Responses

  1. 1) Why were Israeli observers monitoring the elections? Why get involved? This can only lead to trouble.

    2) Obama just spent $200,000,000 in a failed (illegal?) attempt to influence the elections in Egypt. He would have been smarter not to have interfered and help push Mubarak out.
    Now the U.S. is mixing in again! Doesn’t Obama ever learn?

  2. #2 – who’s talking about Israeli observers?!
    on point #2 – ‘Doesn’t Obama ever learn?’ – aren’t you familiar with him being dubbed,’obama, the slow learner’?

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