Pelosi Plans To Reveal Information About Gingrich ‘When The Time Is Right’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is holding back some information on Republican Newt Gingrich that could detract from his presidential campaign, according to a report published Monday.
“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi told Talking Points Memo. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff.”

Gingrich, who served as Speaker of the House, worked with Pelosi in Congress from 1987 to 1999. Pelosi also served on the ethics committee that investigated Gingrich for tax cheating and campaign finance violations in the late ’90s.
Gingrich filmed an ad with then-House Speaker Pelosi in 2008 to urge action on climate change, which haunted him early in his presidential bid this year. Gingrich called the ad “probably the dumbest single thing I’ve done in recent years” last month.
Republicans in Congress have been slow to rally around Gingrich’s rise to front-runner status in the polls, with former GOP colleague Sen. Tom Coburn (Okla.) stating publicly over the weekend he is not “inclined to be a supporter” of Gingrich due to that past experience.
But Democrats such as the soon-to-retire Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) have suggested Gingrich as the GOP nominee would benefit the Democratic Party.
“He would be the best thing to happen to Democrats since Barry Goldwater,” Frank said last week. Goldwater is credited with reviving Republican conservatism in the ’60s.


9 Responses

  1. Newt Gingrich is a disgraceful human being and an embarrasment to everything he purports to stand for. I do not have any idea what Ms. Polosi could reveal that changes that.

  2. The democrat slimers did in Herman Cain and they will do their best to do in WHOMEVER is the Republican candidate.

    Where is the Republican/Conservative machine to do in Obama??? He has so much shmutz and so many lies in his history it should not be that difficult to reveal him for what he is.

  3. Pelosi served on an ethics committee??!!? I didn’t know she knew the meaning of the word. Pelosi typifies the word “witch”.

  4. No. 2: What evidence do you have that Democrats did anything to stop the Cain campaign for the Republican nomination? As far as I know, his own marital infidelity and the prevaricating way in which he spoke about it did him in, with no help from anyone of any political party.

    And where is the “Republican/Conservative machine to do in Obama?” It/they are still worrying about his birth certificate, his religion, his socialism, and his alleged need for a teleprompter. The Republican problem with Obama is that they have nothing to offer. Their ideology and the policies that are dictated by that ideology is simply wrong for America, and that is why an incumbent president with a horrible economy has a fair chance of being re-elected, because his opponents are at a loss to explain how they would be better for the economy.

  5. Gingrich has been around a lot, and in the public eye for so long, that the dirt has come out. He’s on his third marriage, and had to quit as Speaker in part because he was cheating on his second wife. He has a long history of dubious political ethics. He then announced he was doing “tseuvah” (he would NOT use that word, but you get the idea), and claims to have repented of his evil ways. He seems to have a great ability to admit he made mistakes in the past, which is unusual for politicians. Whereas Romney (and Obama) waffle, Gingrich considers all the facts and changes his mind.

    A line in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal suggest that some Republicans will use a line such as “Obama is a great husband and father, but incompetent as president – so do you really want to choose a president solely on the basis of private life”.

  6. You tell ’em AinOhdMilvado…the “democrat slimers did in Herman Cain” and principled patriots attempted to “do in” President Clinton.

    In the late 90s I once told a Yeshiva Rav that I was not at all impressed by all the face contortioned moral outrage at Clintin; afterall, Bibi did the same thing and the community was silent..but, ah..Bibi’s your boy.

    So much for principles.

  7. an added thought – Pelosi should remember that what cost Gingrich his speakership (even more than cheating on his wife) was that he focused on raising “dirt” on President Clinton,which most of the country thought was irrelevant resulting in the rate situation of the Democrats gaining seats in the off year election.

  8. This is the oldest thing in politics. Always was and always will be exposing the other party. As they say if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.

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