DNC Chair Condemns Mitt Romney For His Association With Fundraiser With Ties To Palestinian Terrorists

Washington, D.C. – Following the news that Patrick Cave, a fundraiser for Mitt Romney, has served as a lobbyist for the Arab Bank which was investigated by the Treasury Department for funneling money to Palestinian terrorists, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement:

“I am deeply disturbed to hear that Mitt Romney’s re-election bid is in part being bankrolled by a man who just a few years ago lobbied for a client that was under federal investigation for funding Palestinian terrorists.  As recently as 2008, Patrick Cave was working for the Arab Bank, which has faced lawsuits from the families of victims who lost their lives to attacks by Palestinian suicide bombers.

“It is unconscionable that Mitt Romney is even associating with Cave, let alone using him as a key fundraiser for his presidential campaign.  Mitt Romney cannot talk about being a supporter of Israel on the one hand, while taking money on the other from someone who has a known association with terrorists whose goal is to do Israel harm.

“I call on Mitt Romney to immediately cut ties with Patrick Cave and return any campaign donations he has received from Cave or through his fundraising efforts.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. The statement from the Democratic National Chair, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, omits to state whether the investigation into Mr. Romney’s fundraiser established any connection with the fundraiser and Palestinian or other anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic persons or groups. That is the sort of half-truth I would expect from Fox News.

    Maybe Romney should respond as Newt responds: I’m going to be the nominee, I do not have to respond.

  2. This article is sooo forced. To imply that Romney or any regular GOP candidate with the exception of Ron Paul isn’t 100% with Israel and 1000% better then O is silly. Ive said this before and I will say it nuch amoool. How any pro israel Jew can vote for a DEM these days in a national election is Beyond me and should be beyond anyone reading this site.

  3. if it is true it is a valid criticism however nobody seemed troubled by obamas association with rev wright(right, wrong…)so decide do these associations matter or not

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