Jewish Republicans Say ‘No’ To Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) issued a statement regarding its upcoming Presidential Candidates Forum and as to why Ron Paul is not invited. RJC Executive Director, Matt Brooks, is reported to have said this morning that candidate Ron Paul has “misguided and extreme views” as to the reason Paul was not invited even though seven other Republican candidates will be there along with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as the event’s key note speaker.

Mr. Brook’s biggest issue with the candidate seems to be how Congressman Paul feels Israel can now stand on its own two feet and does not need American financial aid – especially since America is broke. Israel is a powerful force with a strong economy and a strong defense, however Paul was not isolating Israel in his foreign policy, Paul is suggesting removing nearly all foreign aid to countries around the globe – something very popular with Republicans. So then it is hard to understand Mr. Brook’s problem with at least allowing the attendees to the Forum to hear Congressman Paul out.

Congressman Paul is interested in freeing up trade restrictions found acround the world – inclusive of those bound by highly restrictive and so-called “Free Trade Agreements” – including Israel. This would be a net positive policy for American and Israeli relations, however the RJC members will not be able to hear Paul’s side of the story due to Mr. Brook’s assumptive nature. Ron Paul’s foreign policy is not discriminatory, however the RJC exclusion of Paul certainly is.

(Source: Examiner)

3 Responses

  1. There it is!

    We as American Jews have shown our true colors and any candidate that does not daven at the mizbayach of Aipac is excluded or black listed.

    Forget about what is good for the host country, all that we care about is that the shekels keep flowing from the U.S. Taxpayers.

    You know, the goyim who think we run the world see a story like this and all it does is add a little more proof.

    Ron Paul would save this country from itself and in the long run a less dependant Israel would be a much better situation as they would not be running to washington for a cookie and a hug everytime there is a problem.

    But no, we would rather just vote for which ever candidate will allocate federal funds towards section 8,wic,medicare and whatever else keeps the community sustained other than hard work. Just remember that every one of those other candidates will bow to the arabs as soon as oil prices go up.

    At least we know where Ron Paul stands.

  2. Probably not a smart move. There was a previous debate hosted by a non-Jewish religious organization, and Romney & Huntsman did not participate since they were both Mormon. But were they invited? I think if you want to host a major campaign event such as the RJC is, you cannot exclude one candidate unless the person is an OVERT anti-semite.

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