Herman Cain Sets Monday Decision Deadline

Herman Cain said Thursday night he’ll decide by Monday whether he continues or suspends his campaign for president, as the allegations involving inapproiate behavior continue to pile up.

Cain for the first time set Monday as the deadline to determine if his campaign will continue. It marked the second day of a media tour on which Cain is publicly musing about whether he will stay in the Republican race.

“I’m going to make a decision before Monday,” he told Sean Hannity on Fox News. “We haven’t worked out the logistics yet. The decision could be, we’re going to continue with this campaign full speed ahead. The decision could be that we’re going to suspend the campaign. That‘s why I’m doing the re-assessment.”

(Source: Politico)

2 Responses

  1. A pity. I’ve always wanted to see a black-hatter in the White House (meaning a guy wearing a black hat, not… oh, never mind).

  2. 1. If he can disprove even one of the charges, and assuming no one can prove any of them, the “issue” will turn into an asset. There is circumstantial evidence to argue that the accusation tied to his work in Washington reflect more on the racism of the accusers, and the others might be lying outright. If Cain finds a way to prove his innocence, he wins big.

    2. Romney and Gingrich both have a long history of supporting corporate welfare, bailouts and crony capitalism. Cain does not. This is the “sweet spot” of the election – the area where the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street agree. Cain is the only candidate who can hit that spot. His businesses were ones that never were part of the bailout and corporate welfare subculture.

    3. Romney and Gingrich could embrace “999”. The abolition of the Payroll (Social security) tax will prove to be very popular and wise. A little tweaking and the flat income and sales taxes can be made progressive. However at this point all Romney and Gingrich are offering is more corporate welfare for large corporations, which won’t beat Obama.

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