Amnesty International Calls for Bush’s Arrest During Trip to Africa‎

Amnesty International on Thursday called on Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia to arrest former U.S. President George W. Bush for human rights abuse when he visits the region this month.

During his time as President from 2001 to 2009, Bush authorized the use of waterboarding and other interrogation techniques that Amnesty and other human rights groups consider torture.

“International law requires that there be no safe haven for those responsible for torture; Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia must seize this opportunity to fulfill their obligations and end the impunity George W. Bush has so far enjoyed,” Matt Pollard, senior legal adviser, said in a statement.

Bush has defended the use of waterboarding — which simulates the sensation of drowning — as key to preventing a repeat of the September 11 attacks on the United States. The U.S. Department of State had no immediate comment. Bush’s spokesman could not immediately be reached for comment.

Bush is expected to visit the region this week to raise awareness about cancer in Africa, Amnesty said.

(Source: Chicago Ttribune)

6 Responses

  1. What about the “amnesty” part of their name? Or does that only apply to [real] terrorists? I mean, militants?

  2. I’d like to know when someone (besides me!) is going to call for the arrest of Barack Hussein Obama for un-American activities. For not allowing waterboarding (but willing to accept the results of same). For attempting to destroy the entire American economy. For various and sundry other activities totally against Americans.

  3. I’d like to know when someone (besides me!) is going to call for the arrest of Barack Hussein Obama for un-American activities. For not allowing waterboarding (but willing to accept the results of same). For attempting to destroy the entire American economy. For various and sundry other activities totally against Americans.

    Methinks it’s time to resurrect HUAC.

  4. Bush should be arrested by the American government for dragging America into a war in Iraq that has sucked billions of dollars, out of America. There was no reason for the war except George believed that there were weapons of mass destruction even though they found zero. He ignored intelligence reports. In addition he is responsible for the death of hundred of Americans there and thousands of innocent Iraqis there.

    America should indite him, no one else.

  5. To Commenters Nos. 3 and 4: “Un-American activities,” whatever they are, are not crimes, hence no one can arrest President Obama even if he has done something “un-American. Would being the out-of-wedlock child of a Kenyan Muslim man and an American woman be un-American?

    Ironically, one of the politicans who most exploited the work of the Un-American Activities Committee of the US House of Representatives was Richard E. Nixon, who as president committed actual crimes for which he would have been impeached and removed from office if he had not resigned before Congress could complete the removal process.

    I do not know enough about the US law of torture and the treaties to which the US is a signatory to say whether or not former President Bush has actually committed crimes on account of the water-boarding that occurred on his watch, but it is an issue that deserves our attention.

    To Commenter No. 5: There evidently is no law prohibiting the US President from having bad judgment, faulty intelligence (military or otherwise), or lying about the intelligence he actually has (military or otherwise). Much as I think President GWB was “criminal,” I don’t think he committed any crimes under US law (with the possible exception of unlawful torture). And, of course, torturing the truth is not a crime, except under oath. And erroneous spelling is not criminal ether.

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